ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-4 08:27:51 有疫苗都冇用


夢新 2020-5-4 08:31:43 其實美國有冇好過?日日都3萬case喎?咁又可以解封?



做人要識Do 2020-5-4 08:32:19 落錯車!八歲兒子質問父 : 如果無賣樓我吔會幾好
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

夢新 2020-5-4 08:32:19 幾時
HaHaHello 2020-5-4 09:06:27 The number of death in New York have been below 300 for the past few days and this is a huge improvement.

However, the number of new cases has not been improved significantly in the past week: +4,670 cases on 3 May and +3,991 cases on 2 May. At the peak, the new cases was over 10,000.
HaHaHello 2020-5-4 09:09:29 Yes, it is worsening rapidly.

2,806 new cases and 68 new deaths in India

The 2,806 new cases is the new daily high, the old record was 2,442 which was set one day earlier. Unitl now, every day in May has a new daily high for the new cases.
HaHaHello 2020-5-4 09:11:48 This is all right to me.

The title must contains something means
Never end.

because it does reflect the true situation honestly.
HaHaHello 2020-5-4 09:13:42

Americans have declared victory on this war!

USA remains at the peak.
狂之狼 2020-5-4 09:15:52 其實印度爆
HaHaHello 2020-5-4 09:33:13 It is luck that the wealthy Indians have not flied their private aeroplanes to other countries.

The wealth British flied their private aeroplanes to France during the lockdown.
無不散之地 2020-5-4 09:33:42 病毒最驚熱我有信心5月6月病毒會消失


HaHaHello 2020-5-4 09:34:35 Tell Monkeypore!
HaHaHello 2020-5-4 09:36:10 8 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea

Overall speaking, South Korea has made no improvement ot the past 14 days.
HaHaHello 2020-5-4 09:36:41 8 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea

Overall speaking, South Korea has made no improvement in the past 14 days.
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-4 09:38:13 仲有全球化(支那化)之下人口流動,d人又會周圍去
夢新 2020-5-4 09:42:02 就算真係研發到疫苗都無可能一下子生產到比全球人用

ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-4 09:45:35 唔係撐首鼠兩端(對中蟈)既biden(biden條友撐唔落)
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-4 09:52:30 第一批武漢肺炎疫苗要搵人做白老鼠
夢新 2020-5-4 09:54:42 唔係有人做緊白老鼠咩?好似話6月有結果,我都係睇報紙見過下
B-HNK 2020-5-4 09:58:59 Mexico +1383 cases & 93 deaths - - > 23471 cases & 2154 deaths
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-4 10:00:23 shame on chi na
shame on chi na-pore


狂之狼 2020-5-4 10:31:51 但窮人境內大遷移已經發生左
HaHaHello 2020-5-4 10:39:11 Poor people do not ONLY travel within a country. Take Thailand as example, there were over 4 million foreign workers working in Thailand. As Thailand closed the country, these 4 million foreign workers had gone home!

Nowadays, people (rich and poor) have traveled a lot for many reasons.
HaHaHello 2020-5-4 10:42:17

Anti-lockdown protests with guns!


Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan issued a rebuke of the armed protesters who gathered inside the state capitol last week in defiance of statewide lockdown orders, saying the demonstrators embodied some of the “worst racism” of the nation’s history.

“Some of the outrageousness of what happened at our capitol depicted some of the worst racism and awful parts of our history in this country,” Whitmer said during a Sunday interview on CNN’s State of the Union.

Last week Donald Trump had said of the protesters: “These are very good people.”

Hundreds of protesters, many not wearing protective face masks and some armed legally with “long guns”, gathered inside the statehouse in Lansing on Thursday as lawmakers debated the Democratic governor’s request to extend her emergency powers to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The tightly packed crowd attempted to enter the floor of the legislative chamber and were held back by a line of state police and capitol staff, according to video footage posted by local journalists.
堺雅人 2020-5-4 10:43:45 新興市場國家全部無咩動作,印度巴西印尼火雞,好似等緊發達國家打救咁