ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-30 06:11:17 仲有南韓都係


ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-30 06:12:40
咁勁既泰國 做左啲咩黎
口罩 封城 做得唔錯
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-30 06:25:15 → gtab: 等等認了以後被美國爸爸拋棄 然後俄國繼父背 03/21 19:28
→ gtab: 刺你怎麼辦 03/21 19:28
坐困愁城 2020-4-30 06:58:56 https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1255380013488189440?s=21
垃圾elon musk之前讚支共做得好

ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-30 07:42:43 俄羅斯已經否認報導,批評這是抹黑俄羅斯,俄羅斯才是事件中的受害者。

捷俄關係緊張 布拉格市長認受俄羅斯暗殺威脅
狂之狼 2020-4-30 08:33:12 點搞呀...仲有班人自願打所謂疫曲做白老鼠
狂之狼 2020-4-30 08:46:31 疫苗
HBTW 2020-4-30 09:01:10 委內瑞拉+2 Confirmed,Total:331
留尼旺+2 Confirmed,Total:420
烏拉圭+5 Confirmed,Total:630
墨西哥+1047 Confirmed,Total:17799, +163 Deaths,Total:1732
加蓬+38 Confirmed,Total:276
澳洲+6 Confirmed,Total:6752, +2 Deaths,Total:93
聖文森特+1 Confirmed,Total:16
阿根廷+158 Confirmed,Total:4285, +7 Deaths,Total:214
科特迪瓦+55 Confirmed,Total:1238
尼日利亞+196 Confirmed,Total:1728, +7 Deaths,Total:51
牙買加+15 Confirmed,Total:396
盧旺達+13 Confirmed,Total:225
畿內亞比紹+128 Confirmed,Total:205
捷克+16 Confirmed,Total:7579
哥倫比亞+258 Confirmed,Total:6207, +9 Deaths,Total:278
也門+5 Confirmed,Total:6
德國+1631 Confirmed,Total:161576, +150 Deaths,Total:6476
布基納法索+3 Confirmed,Total:641, +1 Death,Total:43
挪威+30 Confirmed,Total:7710
烏干達+2 Confirmed,Total:81
格林納達+1 Confirmed,Total:20
百慕達+1 Confirmed,Total:111
以色列+52 Confirmed,Total:15834, +3 Deaths,Total:215
突尼斯+5 Confirmed,Total:980
科索沃+19 Confirmed,Total:799
愛爾蘭+376 Confirmed,Total:20253, +31 Deaths,Total:1190
南非+354 Confirmed,Total:5350, +10 Deaths,Total:103
巴基斯坦+213 Confirmed,Total:15738, +3 Deaths,Total:346
哥斯達黎加+8 Confirmed,Total:713
秘魯+2748 Confirmed,Total:33931, +89 Deaths,Total:943
斯里蘭卡+19 Confirmed,Total:649
馬爾代夫+9 Confirmed,Total:278, First death
烏茲別克+33 Confirmed,Total:2002, +1 Death,Total:9
史瓦帝尼+20 Confirmed,Total:91
阿聯酋+549 Confirmed,Total:11929, +9 Deaths,Total:98
厄瓜多爾+417 Confirmed,Total:24675, +12 Deaths,Total:883
伊拉克+75 Confirmed,Total:2003, +2 Deaths,Total:92
巴林+52 Confirmed,Total:2921
聖露西亞+2 Confirmed,Total:17
喀麥隆+26 Confirmed,Total:1632
兒登恐懼L 2020-4-30 09:25:33 都係
HaHaHello 2020-4-30 09:46:03 Japan has not even really do testings.
熱火飛行員大衛 2020-4-30 09:59:25 有病唔比睇醫生,我都唔知日本咩玩法


HaHaHello 2020-4-30 10:01:53 Although Finland and Sweden have not joined NATO, they are always on the side of the West. Sweden always try to use force to protect its neutrality by having the fifth powerful air force in the world 40 to 50 years ago. Now, as the other countries with much larger populations have a strong air force, Sweden's air force is no longer the fifth in the world. So Russia has always consider them as part of NATO.

This is similar to what happened when France left NATO, U.S.S.R. has always count the number of the nuclear war heads of France when they considered the military balance between NATO and Warsaw Pact.

On the other hand Poland and the Baltic were part of the Warsaw Pact and Russia do not want to see them switch to the NATO.

The true policy of Finland to Russia is similar to Malaya to China now: Russia is too powerful so that it avoids to have a confrontation to this powerful country. However, when the war really come, Finland will choose to fight Russia.
HaHaHello 2020-4-30 10:03:36


HaHaHello 2020-4-30 10:05:10 It is because they want to re-open their countries.
HaHaHello 2020-4-30 10:06:40 I have blocked that member. I suggest you to block that member as well.
HaHaHello 2020-4-30 10:08:56 6462 new cases and 448 new deaths in Brazil

New cases is another new daily high!
大西秀明 2020-4-30 10:54:36 想問 trump 之前係咪推算死60000人

大西秀明 2020-4-30 10:56:53 其實雖然呢排歐洲 testing positive rate 低咗
但解除 lockdown 之後先係真正考驗
HaHaHello 2020-4-30 11:00:24 509 new cases (the lowest since 11 March) and 427 new deaths in France

Coronavirus Cases: 166,420
Deaths: 24,087
Recovered: 48,228

Begin to control the virus.
HaHaHello 2020-4-30 11:02:53 Report a big outbreak next year so that the Olympic will be cancelled.
HaHaHello 2020-4-30 11:04:30 2 new deaths in Yemen. First deaths in the country



喇叭吧 2020-4-30 11:05:42 第一次得出一個咁高嘅數... 靜觀其變
HaHaHello 2020-4-30 11:06:23 4 new cases and 1 new death in South Korea

Coronavirus Cases: 10,765
Deaths: 247
Recovered: 9,059

Lowest new cases since at least 19 Feb.

窮人生仔真仆街 2020-4-30 11:07:27
喇叭吧 2020-4-30 11:22:47 計錯數
