通輯大富豪 2020-4-28 20:49:48 此回覆已被刪除


ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-28 20:53:08 白俄
人生可否重來 2020-4-28 20:54:29 玩埋熄燈喎
人生可否重來 2020-4-28 20:55:02
吉利蛋汽車 2020-4-28 21:01:50 邊度有得睇每個行政區既breakdown
桜の抹茶刺身 2020-4-28 21:05:06 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coronavirus_pandemic_in_Russia

仙豆 2020-4-28 21:07:12 有無人公司已經急不及待要復工

HaHaHello 2020-4-28 21:08:29 1266 new cases and 8 new deaths in Saudi Arabia

Coronavirus Cases: 20,077
Deaths: 152
Recovered: 2,784

Remain at the worst situation.
吉利蛋汽車 2020-4-28 21:22:39 謝巴打
JKS98 2020-4-28 21:31:46 我對呢個有啲保留
爆肝紅磡仔 2020-4-28 21:34:00 至少大馬都試過政權更替呀


JKS98 2020-4-28 21:38:09


HaHaHello 2020-4-28 21:44:52
諾高平 2020-4-28 22:15:09 係馬哈迪玩大咗啫
人生可否重來 2020-4-28 22:22:40 呢幾日戴口罩已經焗出汁
我係張志明 2020-4-28 22:29:38 起碼有得選總統先
爆肝紅磡仔 2020-4-28 22:37:00 馬來西亞行議會制
另外 李家坡法律上都係民主國家嚟
大西秀明 2020-4-28 22:39:07 夏天點算
如果戴啲質素差啲嘅口罩 幾個鐘個鼻已經辛苦
HaHaHello 2020-4-28 22:42:54 We will clear the virus within these few days so that we can enjoy the summer! Do not worry.
E•MO•TION 2020-4-28 22:54:42 海參崴一定出事㗎喎,隔離東北三省都開始爆
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-4-28 23:03:50 東北三省爆係因為俄佬送返啲支那人去東北


ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-28 23:04:58 以色列收收皮(雖然巴勒斯坦都係仆街),以色列見到伊朗既兩大代理人支俄就縮
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-28 23:07:12 The second goal was premised on reaching out to a foreign audience. At this point, it should be acknowledged that the Polish side—and primarily president Andzej Duda—made a strategic error in adopting a reconciliatory tone towards Russia,15 which was taken by Moscow as a sign of weakness and spurred Russia into more assertive action. One objective behind this attack against Poland and the use of overtly counter-anti-Semitic rhetoric might be related to Russia’s desire to normalise ties with Israel, whose relations with Poland have stagnated. This initial assault on Poland in the guise of anti-Semitism might have far-reaching consequences and could later be redirected against Ukraine and the three Baltic states, all of whom have to some extent experienced a certain souring of political relations with Israel. In this respect, anti-Semitism should be seen—even though this phenomenon bloomed in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and post-1991 Russia—as a powerful trump card in Moscow’s hand. Moreover, there is little doubt that Russia will try to use its image as the main enemy of neo-Fascism and anti-Semitism to its advantage while appealing to certain members of the EU that suffered various forms of dictatorship and where socialist ideals have traditionally been strong.

In the worst-case scenario—that Moscow’s message reaches only a limited foreign audience (since domestic success is virtually guaranteed, especially given the forthcoming 9 May celebrations)—Russia still loses nothing.

Russia’s “memory wars”, Poland, and the Forthcoming 75th Victory Day
秦始皇🐉 2020-4-28 23:08:59 武漢肺炎點解要揀我
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-28 23:09:27 以後叫李家坡同支那坡
