HaHaHello 2020-4-28 09:55:36 64 new cases and 3 new deaths in Bolivia

Coronavirus Cases: 1,014
Deaths: 53
Recovered: 98

May start to improve.


懷疑人 2020-4-28 10:05:24 歐洲d國家個個急住復工復課
HaHaHello 2020-4-28 10:09:37 So does North America.
人生可否重來 2020-4-28 10:13:44
人生可否重來 2020-4-28 10:18:51 仆街燈咗
人生可否重來 2020-4-28 10:23:35 你指空氣唔流通有利病毒傳播?
HaHaHello 2020-4-28 10:24:00 30 new cases in Guatemala

Coronavirus Cases: 530
Deaths: 15 (so many)
Recovered: 49 (so few)

HaHaHello 2020-4-28 10:26:15 Yes.
In business buildings that have central air-conditioner, a single infected person can transmit the virus to everyone in the building via the air-ducts.

I have discussed this in 【中国武漢肺炎-無了期】全球疫情討論區06
桜の抹茶刺身 2020-4-28 10:26:39 咪玩啦,南韓夏天40度唔難
AidanC 2020-4-28 10:31:09 5月復唔反到課
HaHaHello 2020-4-28 10:34:03 In most part of their high temperatures are different from that in Hong Kong and most of the households do not have air conditioners. However, 釜山 and a few other location are really hard to stand.

The main point is whether they have a lot of air-conditioners. If there are no air-conditioners, then hot weather can help us a lot to combat the virus.


桜の抹茶刺身 2020-4-28 10:39:29 咁單講呢點係好過緯度只係低少少既日本既

HaHaHello 2020-4-28 11:05:34 Money and tradition are also the factors.
Some of my relatives are living in Minnesota which is the coldest State in USA. They do not have air-conditioners at home, but their restaurants have air conditioners.

Actually, most very cold places have a very high summer (but the very hot summer days is few), so they did not have air-conditioners. However, as the economic development and global warming, the business buildings in these places begin to install air-conditioners.

Anyway, their hot days will not begin in late May or early June so they have more time. In some places, they just don't have air-conditioners at all, then they have the whole summer to help. In Hong Kong, some people will turn on the air-conditioners within the next few days.
佛教譚德塞 2020-4-28 11:28:05 12宗外地輸入
賢之鞋墊 2020-4-28 11:41:42 其實一個冇封城市冇限聚集已經復課冇停過工嘅國家嚟講得返兩宗本地真係算係咁
HBTW 2020-4-28 13:44:54 匈牙利+66 Confirmed,Total:2649, +11 Deaths,Total:291
保加利亞+24 Confirmed,Total:1387
烏茲別克+20 Confirmed,Total:1924
泰國+7 Confirmed,Total:2938, +2 Deaths,Total:54
哈薩克+90 Confirmed,Total:2950
巴基斯坦+22 Confirmed,Total:14079, +2 Deaths,Total:301
中非共和國+31 Confirmed,Total:50
荷屬聖馬丁+1 Confirmed,Total:75
印度+114 Confirmed,Total:29572
法屬玻里尼西亞+1 Confirmed,Total:58
吉爾吉斯+13 Confirmed,Total:708
剛果+7 Confirmed,Total:207
的士狗 2020-4-28 13:45:57 此回覆已被刪除
waiwaiwai 2020-4-28 13:47:36 美國昨天case23196,少好多,狂檢成果
我係張志明 2020-4-28 13:57:35 Hk+0
JKS98 2020-4-28 14:02:33 本港今日再無新增個案
UST南亞仔 2020-4-28 14:08:26 台灣都係 from live


春袋了無痕 2020-4-28 14:09:27 佢有個咁既總統,爆就預左,而且暫時檢測比率仲係極低,而家只係開始,有二億幾人口,睇怕仲有排爆!
九指連環 2020-4-28 14:09:28 星期日、一only
JKS98 2020-4-28 14:09:34
九指連環 2020-4-28 14:09:54 佢仲on9過侵