ななせまる。 2020-4-27 16:03:33 The major, even the PM, has no legal right to do so.
That’s why the Japanese government can only ask the people to 自肅.


外遊狗死全家 2020-4-27 16:04:29 Monkey country
熱血軒達臣 2020-4-27 16:06:32 新新聞:目前有沒有個案是解隔離後又發生症狀回到醫院?目前429案中有任何一案使用中醫療法嗎?何時會有高度共識的抗體檢驗結果可以分享?

答:說過很多次,早期採用三陰標準後就沒有發生復陽狀況,但最後有一例三陰後又出現 陽性,所以又回到醫院。該案是個案回家後覺得胸口有悶,回院複診採檢後發現有極微弱的陽性,因此又收治住院。


ななせまる。 2020-4-27 16:07:34 東京 新たに39人感染確認 都内計3947人に 新型コロナウイルス
放下鑰匙 2020-4-27 16:08:07 病情惡化點樣同星期日有關?
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-4-27 16:09:51 唔知點解,但留意左好耐
HaHaHello 2020-4-27 16:12:32 Although the mayor has no legal right to do so, the citizens can do this illegally.

In Hong Kong, some people have set fire on the estate which the government wanted to house the people for isolation.
HaHaHello 2020-4-27 16:13:17 Fewer tests during holiday!
HaHaHello 2020-4-27 16:14:05 and fewer doctors to sign the death certificate.
做人要識Do 2020-4-27 16:17:32 同埋過支那
Magmarlala 2020-4-27 16:34:02 此回覆已被刪除


我酸故我在 2020-4-27 16:40:54 Dear Team,

Due coronavirus outbreak situation has been in control for the past 2 weeks in Hong Kong,
Starting from 4-May-2020 (Mon), All ... staff should resume normal working schedule.
If you have any question about the arrangement, please feel free to contact me, thank you.


無得响屋企R 袋袋~
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-27 16:53:35 愛沙尼亞
放下鑰匙 2020-4-27 17:02:40
報導提到,在中國和世界衛生組織對武漢肺炎導致的全境威脅輕描淡寫時,各國領導人很輕易地相信一切都在控制之中。「同時,中國利用其影響力將台灣排除在世界衛生組織和其他國際組織之外。彭博社台北社長薩姆森·艾利斯(Samson Ellis)認為,台灣與世界衛生組織的孤立反而是強迫台灣必須仰賴自己的判斷來幫助該國的公共衛生問題。」

HaHaHello 2020-4-27 17:03:03 497 new cases and 7 new deaths in Bangladesh

Coronavirus Cases: 5,913
Deaths: 152
Recovered: 131

Stable because of few tests.
UST南亞仔 2020-4-27 17:06:17 發生咩事
HaHaHello 2020-4-27 17:08:08 The judgement of WHO come from the combined effort of representatives of all the countries to WHO. These representatives are experts of their countries.

Now the problem is that most of the representatives (the most famous exception is Thailand) in WHO are corrupted.

If one create a new organization to replace WHO, then the current representative of Thailand to WHO is welcome to join the new organization. All others are not welcome.
HBTW 2020-4-27 17:09:00 安圭拉 3/3 Recovered
HaHaHello 2020-4-27 17:11:10
HaHaHello 2020-4-27 17:19:24 553 new cases and 113 new deaths in Belgium

Coronavirus Cases: 46,687
Deaths: 7,207
Recovered: 10,878

放下鑰匙 2020-4-27 17:24:08 they should have been more aware of the corruption


人生可否重來 2020-4-27 17:27:34 好無說服力
法蘭西檸七 2020-4-27 17:28:54 15/4 1300: 2M (支82k 外1.918M)
16/4 2000: 2.1M (支82k 外2.018M)
17/4 1900: 2.2M (支82k 外2.118M)
19/4 0100: 2.3M (支82k 外2.218M)
20/4 0700: 2.4M (支82k 外2.318M)
21/4 1700: 2.5M (支82k 外2.418M)
23/4 0000: 2.6M (支82k 外2.518M)
24/4 0100: 2.7M (支82k 外2.618M)
25/4 0100: 2.8M (支82k 外2.718M)
26/4 0300: 2.9M (支82k 外2.818M)
27/4 1500: 3M (支82k 外2.918M)

模形式 2020-4-27 17:31:42 巴西係咪開始爆緊?
HKAD 2020-4-27 17:38:24 要驗既國家既速度都係一樣
唔驗既仲堅持緊 應該穩定上升