活著只因幸運 2020-4-25 20:50:29 此回覆已被刪除


UST南亞仔 2020-4-25 21:13:01 一堆comments bin Germany c
原由柏実 2020-4-25 21:20:37 日本依家啲節目變曬咁
熱血軒達臣 2020-4-25 21:22:50 日本唔嬲就假
姓向大妹楊玉環 2020-4-25 21:26:13 日本仔依家會唔會好憎中國?
原由柏実 2020-4-25 21:31:17 Twitter 大把憎
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-25 21:40:29 防疫(支那武漢肺炎)一放鬆既話又會再爆個新群組出黎
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-25 21:43:23 支那坡:
··· 2020-4-25 22:53:07 Any evidence or source for below?
Because of the antibody test, the countries can also make a lot more of tests everyday, so the number of new cases has been increased quite a lot. In New York State, the situation is improving but the number of new cases are have been increasing because of this new tests.
··· 2020-4-25 23:37:03 【肺炎預報】https://lih.kg/cpCcvxzZ
春袋了無痕 2020-4-25 23:39:48 UK 148,377 +4,913 20,319 +813


我係張志明 2020-4-25 23:41:52 mola, sunset
HaHaHello 2020-4-25 23:51:08 The following is my summary from one of the sources:
New York reported its lowest number of daily COVID-19 deaths in weeks on Friday.

The state said there were 422 deaths Thursday. That's the fewest since March 31, when it recorded 391 deaths. More than 16,000 people have died in the state from the outbreak.

The total number of people hospitalized statewide continues to drop slowly, hitting 14,258, though the number of new patients coming into hospitals is basically flat at around 1,300, Cuomo said.

New York has begun to increase the amount of testing, conducting 34,736 on Thursday, compared to around 20,000 usually. Cuomo administration officials cite an executive order directing private and public labs to work with the state to prioritize coronavirus testing. The state hopes to conduct as many as 40,000 tests a day.

Other information related to my above comment:
(1) On Friday, the new cases in New York State is +8,864 (The second day of increasing and has increased quite a lot). https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/

(2) New York: the numbers shown below include probable deaths (and, consequently, probable cases for the same number) as reported by New York City. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/

My comment has combined the above information as well as other information. Here is one example of my thinking:

Since the new cases and deaths in New York City included probable cases and probable deaths, so the number of deaths may be over-reported. Hence the number of the deaths have been improved even more than the numbers said.

By the way, someone has asked what kind of antibody tests I was talking about. IgM or IgG? USA tried to use to antibody tests to screen out people who has antibody so that the Americans can determine when and how to re-open their country. So, the antibody tests is IgG.
wtfcfw1030 2020-4-25 23:52:23 天黑廢國
··· 2020-4-25 23:52:37 仲有唔少
SG謝拉特 2020-4-25 23:53:39 Thanks

食黃店得永生 2020-4-25 23:55:50 天黑廢國假架咩
食黃店得永生 2020-4-25 23:57:16 死亡人數大幅下降
··· 2020-4-25 23:57:57 係香港睇埋
上帝要你滅亡 2020-4-25 23:58:18 繼續比華為滲透英國5G
食黃店得永生 2020-4-26 00:00:19 Btw而家無哂人 好靜


SG謝拉特 2020-4-26 00:03:41
通輯大富豪 2020-4-26 00:03:56 此回覆已被刪除
人生可否重來 2020-4-26 00:26:03 學生dse
江海寄餘生 2020-4-26 00:27:07 佢哋個日頭就真係明顯回落嘞