熱血軒達臣 2020-5-14 21:27:42 州政府管理不善都係問題之一,紐約唔學加州咁早啲封


HaHaHello 2020-5-14 21:38:28 As I said, New York City is tge gateway and it is not as simple as some people thought. Here, I just quoted what the British said about 30 years when U.K. was debating when U.K. should further integated to EU:

An air-ticket from London to New York City is cheaper than that from London to Pairs.

When things go wrong, other states blame New York. However, if New York had closed earlier, then other states would raise war against New York because all Americans cannot back home from Europe.
熱血軒達臣 2020-5-14 22:09:08 由準備口罩到醫院規劃呢D都係州政府責任




HaHaHello 2020-5-14 22:16:54 Most of what you said are applicable to all states governments and the Federal governments, CDC and other similar organisations, and most of the citizens.

Chi na is the source of faults, however, most of the western countries (including USA) have their faults too.
人生可否重來 2020-5-14 22:28:22
DCC001 2020-5-14 22:28:23 睇見到想喊
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-14 22:38:10 愛沙、立陶同拉脫維亞直情唔show瑞典同芬蘭
dogrunwest 2020-5-14 22:38:57 此回覆已被刪除
HaHaHello 2020-5-14 22:40:33 I have
a lot.
Now, Total Deaths: 299,507
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-14 22:48:39 唔係恐懼撚
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-14 23:00:29 二世祖老婆何晶errr既胸襟仲差過晒+賤過晒柯玉芝(兩老李光耀老婆)


JKS98 2020-5-14 23:06:59
HaHaHello 2020-5-14 23:07:28 I really have to fuck off Sweden here. Sorry!

With only 17,576 tests per 1 M population (total tests is 177,500), there can be 28,582 total cases with 3,529 total deaths. If Sweden really do the testings, God knows how many have been killed.

For comparison, Switzerland has 37,918 tests per 1M population.

DCC001 2020-5-14 23:13:21 Typo 睇見都想喊

ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-14 23:22:31 愛沙尼亞、立陶宛同拉脫維亞先唔想要而家既臭臭地兼腐爛既Nordic(其實Polandball話Estoniaball想入Nodric好多都未必準)
HaHaHello 2020-5-14 23:24:02 2,659 new cases and 22 new deaths (new daily high) in Chile

Coronavirus Cases: 37,040
Deaths: 368
Recovered: 15,655

ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-14 23:24:20 Final確診武漢肺炎人數1000~2000萬
HaHaHello 2020-5-14 23:25:04 It is just a flu. The 1918 Spanish flu has killed 5000萬人
HaHaHello 2020-5-14 23:32:45 I include more information about the 1918 Spanish flu:


1918年流感大流行(英語:1918 flu pandemic),也被稱為西班牙流感(英語:Spanish flu),是於1918年1月至1920年12月間爆發的不尋常致命的流感大流行,造成當時世界人口約四分之一的5億人感染,1700萬至5000萬、甚至可能高達1億人死亡,
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-14 23:34:08 → kuma660224: 這防疫時期生活單純才正常 05/14 00:04
→ kuma660224: 因為很多不單純活動都被禁止 05/14 00:05
→ kuma660224: 我是覺得社會本來就會有黑數 05/14 00:06
→ kuma660224: 有在市區活動 就會接觸 05/14 00:06
→ kuma660224: 連台灣CECC都不認為沒有黑數 05/14 00:07
→ kuma660224: 只是認為風險極小 加強個人防疫就好 05/14 00:07
→ soria: 而且香港人的生活空間很小 不管去哪永遠擠 05/14 00:07
→ soria: 一堆人 05/14 00:07
→ kuma660224: 找不到源頭也無所謂. 全力堵死傳播。05/14 00:08
→ kuma660224: 別像南韓或新加坡各種爆開就好 05/14

推 seekor: 有本土沒關係, 把傳播鏈切斷了就好,他們一 05/14 01:00
→ seekor: 直以來也都守得很不錯,加油了 05/14 01:00
→ kirachi: 現在天氣開始變熱,香港不戴口罩的人會 05/14 01:11
→ kirachi: 不會也變多了 05/14 01:11
→ kuma660224: 室內還是有冷氣 戶外可保持距離 05/14 01:12

作者kirachi (Kira)
標題[新聞] 香港新增3例武漢肺炎 境內病毒傳播鏈未斷
時間Wed May 13 23:03:25 2020
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-14 23:41:40 據估計,在赤柬統治時期,柬埔寨全國範圍內共有150萬至300萬人非正常死亡,約佔當時柬埔寨總人口的四分之一。




HaHaHello 2020-5-14 23:58:21 7,001 new cases and 393 new deaths in Brazil

This is NOT the final batch of data, but there are already 7,000+ new cases.
HaHaHello 2020-5-15 00:08:27

Total Deaths: 300,220

Fin.Grasshopper 2020-5-15 00:21:27 Rt係俄媒嚟㗎

哇屌 2020-5-15 00:30:46 支那肺炎
