HaHaHello 2020-5-12 15:37:59 Monkey has overtaken USA in cases per 1M population temporary:
Monkey: 4,217 cases per 1M population
USA: 4,187 cases per 1M population


Casemiro14 2020-5-12 15:38:51 35 false positive
肥_仔 2020-5-12 15:40:01 離地到呀

dllm佢哋要出去返工買嘢咪又係要經過你哋啲public transport
HaHaHello 2020-5-12 15:41:13 I think so since Worldometers has not taken away those false positive yesterday.
熱血軒達臣 2020-5-12 15:41:38 外勞唔計 M記唔洗開
辛坦拿杜尼 2020-5-12 15:44:39 東京+28

肥_仔 2020-5-12 15:45:56 7號開始weekday返
活著只因幸運 2020-5-12 15:46:18 此回覆已被刪除
活著只因幸運 2020-5-12 15:47:08 此回覆已被刪除
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-12 15:48:57 2011黎高登(discuss過檔都係,因為2007開始辟易條撚屌露出中蟈打手真面目+夾埋親支共版主ban晒民主派、民國派同英治派)之前都有做cdrom睇下高登

肥_仔 2020-5-12 15:52:02 呢個隨時會變scandal bomb


HaHaHello 2020-5-12 16:05:40 10,899 new cases and 107 new deaths in Russia

Coronavirus Cases: 232,243
Deaths: 2,116
Recovered: 43,512

Five Covid-19 patients who have been killed by the fire have not been included in the new deaths.

Russia takes the 3rd position now.

燉炳強武漢茶 2020-5-12 16:07:43 普京核平北京未
HaHaHello 2020-5-12 16:11:39 He will after Russia takes the second position about 7 days later!
HaHaHello 2020-5-12 16:24:28

Moscow Has 1,700 Extra Deaths

MOSCOW — Ever since the coronavirus took hold globally, researchers have been puzzled by Russia’s mortality rate of only about 13 deaths per million, far below the world average of 36 in a country with an underfunded health system.

With the arrival of data for April, however, the mystery appears to be clearing up.

Data released by Moscow’s city government Friday shows that the number of overall registered deaths in the Russian capital in April exceeded the five-year average for the same period by more than 1,700. That total is far higher than the official COVID-19 death count of 642 — an indication of significant underreporting by the authorities.
春袋了無痕 2020-5-12 16:45:27 戰鬥民族!
春袋了無痕 2020-5-12 16:50:11 巴西真心大撚鑊!以極低檢測率都可以上到十大,萬幾人死亡,都唔知點收科!
熱血軒達臣 2020-5-12 16:53:59 美國疫情總算受控,應該開始計劃復工,不過復工一定有反彈。
HaHaHello 2020-5-12 17:11:57 New York City will re-open only in June, although other part in New York State will begin to re-open on 15 May.
New York should be all right.
HaHaHello 2020-5-12 17:13:29 16 new cases in Malaysia (the lowest since 12 March)

Coronavirus Cases: 6,742
Deaths: 109
Recovered: 5,223

ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-12 17:14:41 俄妹同俄佬(平民角度)好多平行時空處之泰然


ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-12 17:15:30 巴西有個戇鳩總統
HaHaHello 2020-5-12 17:15:32 以極低檢測率都可以上到7大. It will overtake Germany today (Hong Kong time: tomorrow morning).
熱血軒達臣 2020-5-12 17:17:43 東岸幾個大州都開始緩和,希望佢地部份既資源會幫下其他州份。
做人要識Do 2020-5-12 17:18:07 藍絲:民主呀嗱