JKS98 2020-5-11 01:59:24 暫時先退出休息一陣



ななせまる。 2020-5-11 02:12:01 因為要睇埋支共兩會呀,人哋解釋咗
熱血軒達臣 2020-5-11 02:25:58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP0cyN98K9Q
4:00 支那早係12月就係印度調動口罩
熱血軒達臣 2020-5-11 02:29:16 呢獲咁既野,中美國係會愈走愈遠。
wtfcfw1030 2020-5-11 02:29:52 聲稱睇埋兩會再加唔加野
活著只因幸運 2020-5-11 02:49:26 此回覆已被刪除
熱血軒達臣 2020-5-11 03:16:00 New York:
new case: +1,980
tested: +29230
+ve%: 6.77%
零感力 2020-5-11 03:24:04 可惜其他州唔爭氣
熱血軒達臣 2020-5-11 03:26:50 new jersey 係比較擔心
E•MO•TION 2020-5-11 05:37:52 但佢之前戴同款口罩係戴得啱㗎喎,呢張相係咪佢戴口罩戴到一半嗰陣啲傳媒影低㗎
E•MO•TION 2020-5-11 05:39:07 Pence直接冇戴喎


E•MO•TION 2020-5-11 05:41:14 紐約係第一個爆嘅,所以早過其他州緩和都好正常,其他州(唔計嗰啲好明顯未緩和就提早reopen嘅洲)我諗要等多一至兩個禮拜先緩和到
E•MO•TION 2020-5-11 05:47:18

new jersey其實又唔使太擔心嘅,new case增加數已經回落緊
E•MO•TION 2020-5-11 05:52:14




UST南亞仔 2020-5-11 06:10:13 佢咁戴 衰過唔戴
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-11 09:54:26 最終都係靠自己先係皇道,美國只係「合作伙伴」(政治一向都互相利用)而「非朋友」

ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-11 09:56:58 pence先係真正既trump,(耶撚立場)pence遠比侵更侵
九指連環 2020-5-11 09:57:00 台仔係咪唯一唔洗封城都控到既國家
九指連環 2020-5-11 10:01:27 因為染左既死得七七八八

everyone in new york right now knows at least someone who died from it
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-5-11 10:09:06 仲有南韓
HaHaHello 2020-5-11 10:30:02 New deaths +41 which is fewer than New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Illinois.


DCC001 2020-5-11 10:34:08 最後一定係落後國家最多人感染,同最多人死亡。

DCC001 2020-5-11 10:35:17 同意,只會越來越黑暗,唔會有轉機
HaHaHello 2020-5-11 10:36:20 As of April 29, the French Government continues to report unreliable and incorrect data on almost a daily basis. On April 29, they reported a decrease of 1,417 confirmed cases compared to April 28. The Ministry of Health yesterday had reported a different figure compared to that of the Government, and even this figure was 1,504 lower than the previous day (April 27), accompanied by a note informing that they had made a mistake the previous day. For this reason, you may notice fluctuations in French data.

France reported that a portion of the EHPAD and EMS nursing home cases - representing about 33% of the total EHPAD and EMS cases - were confirmed (rather than probable, as the other 67%) and as such are to be considered as already included in the total national case count [source]. The French Government has now started reporting the breakdown between confirmed and probable EHPAD and EMS cases [source]. We have adjusted the historical data for France from April 4 based on this information. On April 3, the French Government had reported 17,827 additional cases and 532 additional deaths from nursing homes that had not been reported previously. On April 2, it had reported 884 additional deaths.
九指連環 2020-5-11 11:00:41
