熱血軒達臣 2020-5-7 03:00:20 又用Antibody test去做立論

已經講過antibody test 個accuracy vary好大 5
同埋冇standard 唔同lab做係唔可以出唔同既Result


Tko泰利(偷食) 2020-5-7 03:25:29 此回覆已被刪除
E•MO•TION 2020-5-7 03:25:32 俄佬操控narrative同埋煽動能力好勁,Trump當選同埋英國脫歐某程度上都係有俄佬煽動先做到

另外好多前蘇聯國家(Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine etc)都畀俄佬搞到內部分裂(Google Crimea/Donbass/frozen conflict)

E•MO•TION 2020-5-7 03:26:50 火雞伊朗俄佬呢三個國家我淨係比較信俄佬啲data
兒登恐懼L 2020-5-7 03:29:52 已經有
春袋了無痕 2020-5-7 06:07:54 Brazil 125,218 +10,503 deaths 8,536 +615
春袋了無痕 2020-5-7 06:09:40 Belgium 50,781 +272 deaths 8,339 +323
大數據世代 2020-5-7 06:58:13 歐洲幾個國家都係10%喎

嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻 2020-5-7 07:01:11

美國人堆IG story已經出返哂街,運動嘅約埋一齊運動、party開繼續去人地屋企party飲酒隊草,依堆人平時都係笑開侵

stay home潮流已過
大數據世代 2020-5-7 07:01:47 無武肺佢哋唔使死喎!
做人要識Do 2020-5-7 07:56:37


HaHaHello 2020-5-7 08:15:34 You can record Macro in Excel to do jobs automatically without writing VBA. VBA is a simplified version of Microsoft Visual Basic.

I am still using the Office 2007 so I am not sure whether the newer versions of VBA have been updated to .NET framework.

Your approach can be still used for many real world researches. However, the COVID-19 is the hottest topic right now and all supercomputer centers and large computer companies offer computing time to do the big data analysis and modeling. Hence, most professors will instruct their Ph. D. students to stay away from COVID-19 and choose another topic for their Ph. D. thesis.

In your case, you can still use the COVID-19 data to help to dig deep into Excel.
HaHaHello 2020-5-7 08:18:22 11,433 new cases and 645 new deaths in Brazil

Brazil has joined USA and Russia to have 10,000+ new cases!

燉炳強武漢茶 2020-5-7 08:48:21 秘魯進軍第一行
JKS98 2020-5-7 08:54:02 希望無事
JKS98 2020-5-7 08:56:05 上面又嘈



HaHaHello 2020-5-7 09:02:21 Wish them recover soon.
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-5-7 09:10:13 果條撚樣好撚煩
狂之狼 2020-5-7 09:16:40 輪住爆。。。
HBTW 2020-5-7 09:50:06 新喀里多尼亞 18/18 Recovered
B-HNK 2020-5-7 10:02:41 Peru +3628 cases & 89 deaths - - > 54817 cases & 1533 deaths

India + 3587 cases & 92 deaths - - > 52987 cases & 1785 deaths


B-HNK 2020-5-7 10:09:44 France +3640 cases & 278 deaths - - > 174191 cases & 25809 deaths

Germany +1155 cases & 282 deaths - - > 168162 cases & 7275 deaths
B-HNK 2020-5-7 10:20:11 Australia +19 cases - - > 6894 cases

Guatemala +35 cases & 2 deaths - - > 798 cases & 21 deaths

Honduras +191 cases & 6 deaths - - > 1461 cases & 99 deaths

Jamaica +5 cases - - > 478 cases

Mexico +1609 cases & 197 deaths - - > 27634 cases & 2704 deaths

New Zealand +1 case - - > 1489 cases

Panama +208 cases & 8 deaths - - > 7731 cases & 218 deaths

South Korea +4 cases & 1 death - - > 10810 cases & 256 deaths
天坦迪阿堤斯 2020-5-7 10:33:29 由day one已經話係傳染率勁唔係死亡率勁
喇叭吧 2020-5-7 10:59:22 Did play with Macro and VBA but found that PowerQuery (need Excel 2010) can done a lot for data cleaning and processing. Best of all, I don't need to deal with the security issue.

I am now treating a cell as a variable, a formula as a functions, a range as an array/matrix. Those building blocks are good enough for programming within a worksheet (no idea if it is Turing complete).

In the future release, there will be a let() formula that allows us to pass a formula as an first order function in it but that's for another story.