卡域膠 2020-5-5 17:30:26 好唔明白侵做乜明明有個好valid嘅位唔攻擊
missed opportunity.


熱血軒達臣 2020-5-5 17:32:03 依加梗係咩都尻UP同你打爛仔交 11月之後就冇得做
卡域膠 2020-5-5 17:32:45 講完畀位人入
熱血軒達臣 2020-5-5 17:37:03 佢唔尻UP邊到會有傳媒焦點
HaHaHello 2020-5-5 19:38:24 24 new cases and 1 new death in Australia
(I hope this is the final batch of data).

The number of new cases since April 29 are: (From worldometers)
8, 8, 13, 14, 20, 24
and today up to now is 24. Since this trend is no good so I gave my early warning to those of you in Australia and hope that you all in Australia will be more careful.

Unfortunately, you could NOT accept the bad news and attacked me personally.

I have stopped the task at hand and just wrote my orginal post as quickly as possible in the hope that my warning is early enough. So I got my typo.

I cannot help. You guys in Australia consider me as your enemy, so we are enemy now. I will never report any data about Australia again.
B-HNK 2020-5-5 19:49:34 Hong Kong +20 recovered - - > 920 recovered

Kuwait + 526 cases & 85 recovered - - > 5804 cases & 2032 recovered

St Marino + 7 cases & 6 recovered - - > 589 cases & 92 recovered
B-HNK 2020-5-5 19:52:26 Iran + 1323 cases - - > 99970 cases
+ 63 deaths - - > 6340 deaths
B-HNK 2020-5-5 19:59:15 Qatar + 951 cases - - > 17142 cases
Bangladesh + 786 cases & 1 death - - > 10929 cases & 183 deaths
通輯大富豪 2020-5-5 20:10:31 此回覆已被刪除
HaHaHello 2020-5-5 20:13:41 I am not happy with the fact that they attack me personally. Not their opinion about the situation of Australia.
JKS98 2020-5-5 20:14:49 呢個post 巴打啲英文真係好勁


HaHaHello 2020-5-5 20:17:04 495 new cases and 85 new deaths in Sweden

Coronavirus Cases: 23,216
Deaths: 2,854
Recovered: 4,074

Sunday/Monday effect hide the trend.
HaHaHello 2020-5-5 20:19:21 I am not one of them because I have never graduated from secondary school. My English teacher in my highest grade was graduated from USA, but he is major in Chinese!
JKS98 2020-5-5 20:20:48 USA
HaHaHello 2020-5-5 20:24:02 Yes. That what he told us. He got a first degree in Chinese from an American University and he came back Hong Kong to teach us English at an evening school.
蛇夫子 2020-5-5 20:32:36
JKS98 2020-5-5 20:33:22 So that why your English was so damn good
做人要識Do 2020-5-5 20:34:50 https://www.thenewslens.com/article/134619
燉炳強武漢茶 2020-5-5 20:35:18 芬蘭唔聲唔聲都差唔多跌到落第3行尾
做人要識Do 2020-5-5 20:36:25 有無人覺得新加坡人中英文都好差
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

we should improve our English
JKS98 2020-5-5 20:38:10 Yes, totally agreed. At least better than those monkeys

So I'll start speaking English now to improve my English


RJandAT-BM 2020-5-5 20:38:16 又係外勞爆??
HaHaHello 2020-5-5 20:39:17 I got my first degree and Ph. D in U.K.

However, I need time to check my grammar. Otherwise, my English is bad. If I spend time to write, then my English is just acceptable. Without graduated from secondary school has put some limits on me.
JKS98 2020-5-5 20:41:44 But as my views, your English is so damn good.
HaHaHello 2020-5-5 20:45:24 All I can do is to try my best and hope my English is working. Good English is too far for me to touch.