Canon用戶討論區(16) EOS R5
尹光頭仔 2020-6-13 23:59:27 咩叫ff效果先 淺景深 定dynamic range定咩


ErErErEr 2020-6-14 03:23:18 兩樣都想有
2.718281828 2020-6-14 13:40:33 任何鏡後面再加鏡片都預左畫質一定差
就算 原廠 1.4x III 同 2x III 都係一樣
副廠再比 Apsc 就自己諗下啦
尹光頭仔 2020-6-14 14:24:15 如果得 我俾咁貴買ff做咩? 你話係咪先
究竟做乜好 2020-6-15 09:15:13 Canon M50黎緊出mark II?
本身想買M50, 但上網搵資料無意中見到話可能2020年9月推出, 值唔值得去等M50 mark II?
麥馬拿文愛撚狗 2020-6-15 16:46:53 此回覆已被刪除
究竟做乜好 2020-6-15 17:55:33 我諗價錢到時候一出應該5500-6000?
我見而家M50 都係3900就買到
MARK85 2020-6-15 20:00:03 未必得 M6 II一開波連枝kit鏡都要8仟幾
李知恩我老婆 2020-6-16 04:20:25 求請教

m50 有adapter
Sigma 16mm f1.4 點睇?
定有冇EF 鏡差不多價錢仲好?
奄奄一息 2020-6-17 09:47:04 同價錢既話應該無
岩佐真悠子 2020-6-17 11:51:19 如果你唔介意細光圈EFM 11-22啦


尹光頭仔 2020-6-17 13:14:11 爭好遠喎
李知恩我老婆 2020-6-17 13:39:59 tamron 17-35 f/2.8-4 又點睇
李知恩我老婆 2020-6-17 13:40:25
奄奄一息 2020-6-17 15:10:33 師兄你問緊同價錢喎
李知恩我老婆 2020-6-17 15:14:32

tamron 個支我上price.com睇水貨3千頭
奄奄一息 2020-6-17 15:21:33 其實你影風景既話,我覺得大光圈無乜用
EF-M 11-22真心係最好既選擇,又岩你BUDGET又輕又SHARP
春袋了無痕 2020-6-17 23:42:39 Canon Rumors有人透露R5機身大約會賣USD4000,對港幣三萬鬆d,如果係真,比較我估計平兩三千!
The obvious number 1 question I get about the Canon EOS R5 is “how much will it cost?”. We have reported in the past that the EOS R5 will sell below $4000 USD for the body only. Though I haven’t been told the exact price as of yet.

I have received a Canon price list that looks pretty legitimate but can obviously be easily edited. I can’t post the price list for obvious reasons.

According to the price list, the Canon EOS R5 will have an MSRP of €4500. Keep in mind pricing in Euro also includes VAT. which can range from 17%-27% depending on the country you’re in. There are also other considerations when looking at pricing in Euro.

The €4500 Euro pricing would mean that the price in USD will definitely be below $4000 USD. As a comparison, the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV launched at $3499 USD, £3599, and €4129 in the Eurozone.

A second source claims that the Canon EOS R5 will begin shipping in early August.
黃禮志Yeji 2020-6-18 01:47:59 幾抵玩
南美的暑氣 2020-6-18 22:26:27 支50 1.4其實有無特到價? 問親大鋪都係報$2280。早幾個星期每次Canon限時優惠既話,大鋪會再平啲

Sheryl☆Nome 2020-6-19 07:58:38 所以我嗰陣買咗支 Sigma 二手上代



南美的暑氣 2020-6-19 08:36:09 sigma重好多
尹光頭仔 2020-6-19 08:41:35 二手1200-1500
Sheryl☆Nome 2020-6-19 09:11:47 Art 就真係重啦
奄奄一息 2020-6-19 11:12:40 希望R6岩岩好平一半啦!