Mystery Ranch同好[9]Built for the Mission
114270 2020-8-1 06:57:29 一落任何化學嘢即刻洗走跣水層


2-d 2020-8-1 09:31:38 Pack Cleaning Instructions:
Remove yoke from pack by taking out frame sheet adjuster, break Velcro bond and remove yoke from the body of the bag. Un-thread webbing on waistbelt and remove from pack. (If applicable)
Open all zippered and drawstring pockets. Empty the pack of debris by turning upside-down and shaking.
Wash pack in a bath tub or large sink using warm water, a mild detergent, and a soft scrub (if needed). NOTE: Do not machine wash your pack. Use Hydrogen Peroxide to remove blood stains if needed.
Rinse the pack thoroughly.
Hang the clean pack to dry in the shade – do not dry your pack in direct sunlight.

Fabric protection:
To enhance and maintain effective water repellency on your pack, we recommend using RUST-OLEUM® NeverWet® Fabric Water Repelling Spray – CLEAR.
Follow the application instructions provided by manufacturer.

Copy from mystery ranch website
雙目燈形 2020-8-1 14:00:47 但係2day擺得少野係咪會扁哂唔好睇
其實日常用Urban 21 係咪都係好選擇
厚多士走油 2020-8-1 15:00:06 根本就長期都有,只係一直都係得黑色無S 碼。
賣唔去,又話搵到倉底貨,扮晒返咗貨... 真係吹得就吹

楓葉孤城 2020-8-1 15:01:44 屌你仲去18樓
az-687 2020-8-1 17:59:40
香蕉糖(已切) 2020-8-2 01:34:19 2day平d下話
戚袋子 2020-8-2 15:42:02 有冇ching放ASAP/Front黑色?
114270 2020-8-7 16:39:59 3 day CL 又有貨啦
OD 中碼backorder 日數又短咗
黑木香 2020-8-8 15:34:35 有無人有用開big bop 呢隻細袋
細細個的的色色 落街行街都好方便
黑木香 2020-8-8 15:35:23


尼特 2020-8-8 16:28:07 有 不過我拎黎掛係個ASAP出面
黑木香 2020-8-8 16:28:54 拆左條帶佢?
尼特 2020-8-8 16:30:31 係呀 佢後面有MOLLE

平時冇乜野拎就用HIP MONKEY
黑木香 2020-8-8 16:31:51 巴打用咩色
尼特 2020-8-8 16:33:28

黑木香 2020-8-8 16:34:22 Mc新款有咩?
尼特 2020-8-8 16:36:12 如果係就要追舊版

HIP MONKEY都係後追 買左個美製橙章
水原希子 2020-8-8 16:38:56 有冇巴打用緊rip ruck? 覺得幾型
黑木香 2020-8-8 16:39:08 我都想追隻mc 搵唔到
黑木香 2020-8-8 16:40:02 有個2days 綠色 買返黎用左幾次 有無巴打有興趣


Bozeman_MT_USA 2020-8-8 16:47:18 HIP MONKEY就揾清楚ebay

big bop我就用其他Pouch代替
尼特 2020-8-8 16:47:52 我買ASAP果陣未出2DAYS
尼特 2020-8-8 16:49:40 巴打成日推人入坑

山中人 2020-8-8 16:51:22 賣咁啲換3dap la