候克 2020-12-10 21:33:42 See the UK's most Googled TV Shows in 2020:
1. Love Island
2. Dennis Nilsen
3. White House Farm
4. Normal People
5. The Stranger
6. Tiger King
7. The Fall
8. Christine Keeler
9. The Undoing
10. Gangs of London


候克 2020-12-11 10:09:59 https://twitter.com/bbcpress/status/1337048978999873539
候克 2020-12-12 20:03:49 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px-ljMM_EeM
NCC-1701 2020-12-13 23:22:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmVF3u0_T30&ab_channel=DWhoUnreleased
staged 第二季預告
點解micheal sheen 同david tenant 明明都成日演變態,但michael sheen 變態咁多
候克 2020-12-14 10:11:54 John le Carré, author of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and The Night Manager, has died at the age of 89.

候克 2020-12-15 08:24:32 Netflix已經計劃下年英劇

1.Rowan Atkinson is to star in a new physical comedy series on Netflix.
Man Vs Bee will see the Mr Bean star playing a character who battles a pesky bee

2.Baby Reindeer
Writer/Lead Actor: Richard Gadd (Edinburgh Comedy Award Winner 2016, he has written episodes for Sex Education)

3.Cuckoo SongWriters: Sarah Dollard (Bridgerton, Doctor Who, Being Human),
Andrea Gibb (Elizabeth Is Missing, Swallows & Amazons, Dear Frankie), Corinna Faith (The Innocents, The Power)

4.Half Bad Writer: Joe Barton (Giri/Haji, Humans, Troy: Fall Of A City)

5.Lockwood & CoLead Director/Writer: Joe Cornish (Attack the Block, The Kid Who Would Be King, Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn)

6.The Red Zone
Writers: Barney Ronay and Jonathan Liew

7.The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
Creator & Writer: Sophie Petzal
候克 2020-12-18 20:41:28

NCC-1701 2020-12-19 19:21:38 David Tennant, Michael Sheen and Vanessa Kirby on Graham Norton Show (2020)
候克 2020-12-21 19:17:13 https://twitter.com/AllCreaturesTV/status/1340567771764174848

睇完his dark materials season finale了
候克 2020-12-25 10:01:19 Merry Christmas

戴你老帽 2020-12-28 20:59:25 Bridgerton咁好睇無人講?


候克 2020-12-28 21:34:59 睇緊
候克 2020-12-29 23:33:25 bridgerton ep6仲激過normal people
候克 2020-12-29 23:37:23

Katherine Parkinson
戴你老帽 2020-12-30 01:00:42 D sex scenes好鬼正

真理部員工 2020-12-30 01:24:46 麻撚麻
候克 2020-12-30 09:04:06 【女王一共生了15個孩子】

Bridgerton第一季 【你該知道的一切都在這】

Bridgerton第一季 【你該知道的一切都在這】

女王的姪子普魯士王子(Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig of Prussia)確有其人,他於1817年與安哈特伯恩堡的路易斯公主結婚,生了兩個兒子。

喬治三世國王是皇家藝術學院的創始人,而Charlotte女王是一位出色大鍵琴演奏家。在電視劇裡女王說過,在莫扎特10歲時兩人就認識了,這的確是真的。莫扎特當時創作了Opus 3送給女王,之後還奉獻了六首奏鳴曲給女王。

【拳擊手Will Mondrich基於真實人物改編】
他的本名叫做Bill Richmon,出生於1763年紐約州的史坦頓島,14歲時來到英國,是攝政時期最有名的拳擊手,他在倫敦過著自由、充滿魅力的社交生活。
該劇的歷史專家Hannah Grieg表示,當時的倫敦社會融合了來自世界各地不同種族和背景的人們,基於Charlotte女王的出身(歷史學家認為她有非洲血統),有色人種並非禁忌,他們可以通過擁有的資產和頭銜而崛起。

在攝政期,有一般報紙和類似現代週刊的小報,《每日紀事報》(The Morning Chronicle)是日報,該報定期刊登名為“時尚情報”的專欄,描述倫敦名人的世界(八卦),當時這些專欄不會直指當事人的全名,只會以名字的首個字母作為主角,例如:A先生或B小姐。


在劇中飾演Daphne的Phoebe Dynevor表示,她在劇裡有104件手工打造的裙子,上戲之前時常修改,因為必須合身。年輕女孩進入社交季非常重要,那些令人窒息的緊身胸衣也是如此。除此之外,她還上了騎馬、舞蹈和禮節課,為了符合那個年代,不得不全心投入其中。
同時,紐約的服裝設計師Ellen Mirojnick帶領一個由238人組成的團隊,花了五個月時間,為該劇手工打製了7500套服裝,這是業界前所未有的創舉。

Julie Andrews是劇中Whistletown夫人的旁白員,她並未現身劇中,但卻用最生動的語氣述說了一切,而這位重量級的旁白員所拿的酬勞可比那些演員高多了,據說一整季有150萬英鎊,第一季的預算是500萬英鎊。而該劇也打算接班Netflix的當家古裝劇《王冠》, 希望成為聖誕節的傳統在每一年的聖誕檔期播出。

第二季一定有,我相信沒人敢取消Shonda Rimes的大作,據說會在3月開機拍攝。第一季的故事線看似完美結束,預計第二季的故事可能取自於系列小說的第二部《Vicount Who Loved Me》,主角是大哥Anthony Bridgerton,他是倫敦社交界炙手可熱的黃金單身漢,但到目前為止他心目只有一個”不能娶的歌女”,對結婚一事根本沒興趣,除非能遇到完美對象。

唔識停 2020-12-30 09:11:35 正呀 最中意Regency era 既古裝片!!!
酸汽油 2020-12-30 13:15:46 慢慢睇,2021尾先有season6。太早睇完會好寂寞
酸汽油 2020-12-30 13:16:22 香港netflix無,VPN睇又超慢
候克 2020-12-30 13:51:35 VPN down落黎會好啲


候克 2020-12-30 13:53:41 下年年頭有 line of duty s6
Machiko 2020-12-30 18:38:46 睇到第3季覺得有啲悶擺低左
候克 2020-12-30 20:51:30 Michael Sheen, the Golden Globe-nominated star of The Queen and Masters Of Sex, has returned an honor from Queen Elizabeth II so he could disclose his views on the British monarchy without being branded a hypocrite.

Speaking in a YouTube interview with Guardian columnist Owen Jones, the Welsh actor said he handed back an Order of the British Empire (OBE) that he received in 2009 for services to drama.

He quietly returned the honor in 2017 after conducting research on Wales’ relationship with England as part of delivering the Raymond Williams Society lecture. He referenced his unease with practices such as handing the Prince of Wales title to the heir to the throne, despite that individual being English.

“Raymond Williams famously wrote a piece called Who Speaks For Wales in 1971 – and I took that as my starting point for the lecture as in who speaks for Wales now?”, said Sheen, who played former prime minister Tony Blair in The Queen.

“And in my research, to do that lecture, I learnt a lot about Welsh history. By the time I finished typing that lecture… I remember sitting there and thinking ‘well I have a choice’ either don’t give this lecture and hold on to my OBE or I give this lecture and give the OBE back. I wanted to do the lecture so I gave my OBE back.”

Sheen said he meant no disrespect by the gesture and was “incredibly honored” to receive the gong in 2009. “I didn’t mean any disrespect but I just realized I’d be a hypocrite if I said the things I was going to say in the lecture about the nature of the relationship between Wales and the British state,” he added.

候克 2021-1-1 00:06:48 【英劇】討論區
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
