LIHKG 【中国武漢肺炎-無了期】全球疫情討論區06
九指連環 2020-4-14 21:13:50 侵:我聽唔到我睇唔到


懷疑人 2020-4-14 21:22:44 其實歐美都冇乜邊個國家做得好
HaHaHello 2020-4-14 21:22:57 He did try to learn, but he just failed to understand the situation.
In recent days, he have begun to know a bit about the danger and he condemned Sweden's herd immunity policy.

However, it is just far too late because so many Americans have already gone to the heaven.
航膳閪路 2020-4-14 21:23:59 所以佢一定要煲起股市
HaHaHello 2020-4-14 21:30:27 They have the computer models to predict the speed of the spreading. However, all these models used the Chinese data. We know how fake the Chinese data is.

After the huge outbreak in Italy, they used the data from Italy to recalculate the speed of the spreading. However, it was already far too late. They will remember the fake Chinese data. Now, they still need the poor face masks from China. After the whole event is over, they will unite to anti-China.
人生可否重來 2020-4-14 21:30:42 你係總統 decision making唔可以咁
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-14 21:42:05 推 vndytjrhu: 想捐香港 但捐了終究會落到中共手裡 港民拿不到 04/13 22:18
推 vndytjrhu: 重點是捐給香港還會被中共吃豆腐 說是心向祖國 04/13 22:21

推 eterbless: 香港這些人不意外 跟DPP一個鼻孔出氣很久了 04/13 22:39

→ domotocat: 要送物資給真香港人大概只能站在街頭憑通關密語發放了 04/13 22:45

推 OoJudyoO: 香港人很討厭新加坡啊 04/14 01:23
推 OoJudyoO: 是你新加坡跟台灣要口罩 還再嫌 公主病 04/14 01:25
→ OoJudyoO: 台灣應該偷偷給香港年輕人口罩 04/14 01:26
→ OoJudyoO: 我沒出征啊 在自己家罵人也不行? 04/14 01:27
推 SantaNM: 反送中時新加坡各種幸災樂禍看好戲 樑子結下了 04/14 01:44
推 libur: 確實,反送中的時候新加坡人還在罵香港人。有新加坡的朋友 04/14 01:45
→ libur: 就知道星國人的嘴臉 04/14 01:45
→ SantaNM: 港網民也是在藉題發揮 04/14 01:45
推 SantaNM: 但總歸亞洲毒瘤就中共一個 別再浪費力氣去咬小的了 04/14 01:49
推 yangnana: 香港人講話很押韻 看完文字浮現聲音XD 04/14 02:21
推 carbbalaa: 港仔向來大多以直報恩>>..>>中國新加坡以怨報德^^ 04/14 02:26
→ carbbalaa: 未來哪天新加坡也有類似反送中危機 聲援跟口罩都省下 04/14 02:28
推 conserve: 新加坡應該送給中國換港獨,兩邊願望一次滿足 04/14 02:32

作者ssaprevo (至今仍然逍遙法外)
標題[爆卦] 香港鄉民挺台 狂批新加坡忘恩負義
時間Mon Apr 13 21:21:48 2020
福斯的背叛 2020-4-14 21:42:58 坡狗+1 death,Total:10
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-4-14 21:44:07 比利時人口死亡比率超越左意大利

🔥埃の魔神 2020-4-14 21:57:40 PTT開acc難唔難?
坐困愁城 2020-4-14 22:04:51 ptt五毛仲多過連登


熱血軒達臣 2020-4-14 22:12:16 要經濟復甦個陣D人就會簡佢
HaHaHello 2020-4-14 22:12:52 Holiday is over. So cases are up:
U.K. +5,252 new cases (Total: 93,873)
+778 deaths (total deaths: 12,107)
wtfcfw1030 2020-4-14 22:17:39 拖唔拖佢都係十二點截數
陌生的人人 2020-4-14 22:20:21 今日日本得2x 新增 ? 點解好左咁多既?
SG謝拉特 2020-4-14 22:23:51 烏克蘭加油
Україна Тримайся!
wtfcfw1030 2020-4-14 22:25:33 比利時>英國>意大利
岩本蓮加保護専員 2020-4-14 22:31:54 此回覆已被刪除
HaHaHello 2020-4-14 22:32:39 Japan will release the final data tomorrow morning.
岩本蓮加保護専員 2020-4-14 22:34:51 此回覆已被刪除
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-4-14 23:00:29 見啲美國佬仲講緊死亡率好低,到底係咩事


HaHaHello 2020-4-14 23:05:50 The death rate is still a fewer times lower than Spain and Italy. This is because U.S. has a large population.
風🔥山林 2020-4-14 23:11:27 此回覆已被刪除
拿拿臨念肥賓 2020-4-14 23:12:15 不過侵侵倍率又跌番
得 1.8
HaHaHello 2020-4-14 23:21:12 Donald Trump is NOT the whole problem. U.S. actually acted fastest and became the first country to restrict the entry of people from China.

The truth is that the American CDC and other health advisers have also said the Chinese virus would not be a problem. What they said were inconsistent.

I believe that some of these people gain some advantages from China so they sometimes speak up for China. The result is that everyone in U.S. got confuse.