HaHaHello 2020-4-11 22:12:00 Fast and decisive.
Vietnam is the second country (after U.S.A.) to block the entry of people from China. There is a relative long border line between China and Vietnam and the traffic between China and Vietnam is very heavy. So the danger of the virus is very great. Vietnam is fast enough to block the people crossing the border.

1. Blocking the Chinese has been carried out very effectively (while similar work done by U.S.A. is just a joke).
2. Lock down has been carried out fast.


UST南亞仔 2020-4-11 22:12:41 Agger
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-11 22:13:16 支蟈各省病毒大蝗已經一車車殺曬黎香港
人生可否重來 2020-4-11 22:13:47
UST南亞仔 2020-4-11 22:14:35 坡狗119unlikned
人生可否重來 2020-4-11 22:14:35 777準備開關殺香港人

UST南亞仔 2020-4-11 22:14:51 Singapore SAR +191 confirmed
Casemiro14 2020-4-11 22:15:12 +191 total 2299
法蘭西檸七 2020-4-11 22:15:41 Monkey see
HaHaHello 2020-4-11 22:16:06 It has 12 new cases today and the new cases are rising. So I am really worrying that the whole country may be destroyed.

The size is 61 square kilometers. You can think about this a sqaure of less than 8 km long and 8 km wide.
UST南亞仔 2020-4-11 22:17:25 Monkey do


九指連環 2020-4-11 22:17:36 仲有李光耀當年大力推動兩岸統一
XHS23 2020-4-11 22:17:39 People’s Republic of Italy

窮人生仔真仆街 2020-4-11 22:18:21 過百unlink 唔死都冇用
Casemiro14 2020-4-11 22:18:28 其中一個dorm 335cases
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-4-11 22:19:35 呢度好關心佢架
UST南亞仔 2020-4-11 22:20:18 坡狗真係好仆街
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-11 22:21:23 李家耀(唔知佢係玩膠定真心)叫台灣人最終都要接受台灣同支那合併
統一,台灣人唯有做既野只係拖延被中蟈統一既時候,但佢自己又走向支持美國重返亞洲,同佢 "蟻" 奧巴馬叫美國加入tpp
一公噸青蛙(已切 2020-4-11 22:23:03 新加玻省
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-4-11 22:23:34 去左新加坡果啲香港人仲仆街
福斯的背叛 2020-4-11 22:24:46 +1 death,Total:8


做到喊 2020-4-11 22:25:06 本地新增191起冠病病例,再增三个和客工宿舍相关的感染群。

三个新增感染群分别是Westlite兀兰客工宿舍(8起)、北海岸客工宿舍(North Coast Lodge,6起),以及本茱鲁径的Cassia宿舍(5起)。


119 unlink

ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-11 22:25:23 變埋終極坡狗
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-11 22:27:00 痴撚線坡狗變曬全部unlinked武漢肺炎
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-4-11 22:27:23 復活節,一定會復活