HaHaHello 2020-4-23 22:28:44 148 new cases and 4 new deaths in Moldova

Coronavirus Cases: 2,926
Deaths: 79


🔥埃の魔神 2020-4-23 22:29:56 馬嬲國今日幾多單?
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-4-23 22:33:06 10xx
窮人生仔真仆街 2020-4-23 22:33:40 yes
🔥埃の魔神 2020-4-23 22:34:29 🙊
人生可否重來 2020-4-23 22:40:14
人生可否重來 2020-4-23 22:41:10 又搞乜
我係張志明 2020-4-23 22:41:25 保守估計開到10
UST南亞仔 2020-4-23 22:44:17 強行復工
人生可否重來 2020-4-23 22:44:51 養到私人咁肥 突然要攞返走舊肥豬肉…
HaHaHello 2020-4-23 22:47:17 Germany: 1,804 cases per 1 million population

Monkeypore: 1,911 cases per 1 million population

Although Germany will add some more cases today, Monkeypore must overtake Germany to take the 25th by cases per 1 million population at the end of today.


HaHaHello 2020-4-23 22:48:13 Back to work so the cases goes up again.
HaHaHello 2020-4-23 22:53:08 228 new cases and 29 new deaths in Switzerland

Coronavirus Cases: 28,496
Deaths: 1,538

人生可否重來 2020-4-23 22:54:21
HaHaHello 2020-4-23 22:54:39 73 new cases (daily new high) and 3 new deaths in Bulgaria

Coronavirus Cases: 1,097
Deaths: 52

HaHaHello 2020-4-23 23:02:54 243 new cases and 5 new deaths in the Dominican Republic

Coronavirus Cases: 5,543
Deaths: 265
肥_仔 2020-4-23 23:04:40 唔係上咗1.1k咩?🙊
HaHaHello 2020-4-23 23:06:17 634 new cases and 54 new deaths in Canada
First batch of data
HaHaHello 2020-4-23 23:06:54 +1,037
KFCCoffee 2020-4-23 23:08:56 可以睇新加坡 MINISTRY OF HEALTH 個 latest update
HaHaHello 2020-4-23 23:10:05 Maryland (in U.S.A.) +962 cases, +50 deaths

Total cases: 15,737
Total deaths: 748



SG謝拉特 2020-4-23 23:22:43 等多一陣先復工好唔好
SG謝拉特 2020-4-23 23:23:19 馬里蘭州?
桜の抹茶刺身 2020-4-23 23:25:14 加拿大應該係由東至西逐個省報
呢個數量應該係Ontario or Quebec
HaHaHello 2020-4-23 23:27:06 516 new cases and 8 new deaths in Chile

Coronavirus Cases: 11,812
Deaths: 168

Stable fake data