UST南亞仔 2020-4-21 22:55:28 Only sunset


HaHaHello 2020-4-21 22:59:55 I think so. The new deaths of this country is usually 1 or 2.

Keep checking.
HaHaHello 2020-4-21 23:03:10 Total deaths: 489, should be total recovery.
Total deaths: 19 so new death should be 0.
I obtain this from https://www.coronavirus2020.kz/
HaHaHello 2020-4-21 23:05:17 613 new cases and 21 new deaths in Pakistan
(both are second daily highest).

Total cases: 9,505
Total deaths: 197
なんじゃら 2020-4-21 23:11:58 噚日(星期一)3pm嘅人流
ななせまる。 2020-4-21 23:19:10 日本啲檢驗數好似仲係好低
月出康城 2020-4-21 23:29:36 不如估幾時美國100m

我先 29/4 0100
HaHaHello 2020-4-21 23:47:58 Chile
+325 cases, total: 10,832 (Overtake S. Korea)
+8 deaths, total: 147

Total recovery: 4,969 (Some of these are deaths. Chile said "Some of the recovery people are dead people. The country has followed the practice of International experts that dead people are counted as recovery because dead people will not transmit the virus to others).
九指連環 2020-4-21 23:49:19
東東東 2020-4-21 23:50:24 乜料
HaHaHello 2020-4-21 23:51:55 Forgot to include the source:
武漢肺炎》「死亡者」計入痊癒人數 智利神操作驚呆全球:


窮人生仔真仆街 2020-4-21 23:52:50 癡撚線
HaHaHello 2020-4-21 23:54:42 Chile may learn this from China!
Casemiro14 2020-4-21 23:55:18 https://twitter.com/STcom/status/1252612163988004864?s=20
珍珠奶茶冇得飲 頭髮冇得剪
春袋了無痕 2020-4-22 00:04:52 我估香港時間29/4 0300..
Temuco 2020-4-22 00:09:18 如果係香港/中國膠官子女就真係抵死了
UST南亞仔 2020-4-22 00:10:12 衰過馬拉
通輯大富豪 2020-4-22 00:10:39 此回覆已被刪除
喇叭吧 2020-4-22 00:52:23
蛇夫子 2020-4-22 01:03:59 USA +6665
坐困愁城 2020-4-22 01:04:18 諗起血染東方一片紅


蛇夫子 2020-4-22 01:05:38 現在27個過萬,明後天可能30,就快第二排全部過萬。
會考無5分 2020-4-22 01:16:32 https://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/flights_trains_tc.pdf

見唔少都有坐頭等/商務. d 仆街係咪明知自己有病都照上機但又想為大家好所以買貴d
Viewty 2020-4-22 01:17:46 冇事啦
人生可否重來 2020-4-22 01:28:46 同香港人差唔多