HaHaHello 2020-4-16 21:32:07 Come on. You will be safe.
We will be talking at here until human defeat the Chinese virus.

To cheer you up, I dance:

If you still feel unhappy, then stay away from the news for a few days. Take care your mental health and then come back.


桜の抹茶刺身 2020-4-16 21:32:36 個人覺得伊朗同土耳其既數字都係信一半好,尤其係死亡人數
蛇夫子 2020-4-16 21:32:53 日本全國緊急狀態
春袋了無痕 2020-4-16 21:33:15 仲有三月份於全球狂掃5000萬噸稻米囤積,好有儲糧備戰味道..
SG謝拉特 2020-4-16 21:33:46 無信過
HaHaHello 2020-4-16 21:35:18 I know.
Without knowing the truth, just take the face value.
It is better to find that the numbers are kept on increasing rapidly.
九指連環 2020-4-16 21:35:37 有台仔分析過冇50m咁多
春袋了無痕 2020-4-16 21:37:24 都係既,呢大半年都因為新聞而精神極度蹦緊,冇乜邊晚訓得好,係時候放鬆一下心情..
HaHaHello 2020-4-16 21:43:10 Please have some sleep (say, one hour) and then come back.
Prolong poor sleeping is an early warning of less healthy mentally.

Do you have anyone to talk to face to face so that he/she can comfort you?
大英測量仔 2020-4-16 21:45:59 英國+861 deaths
春袋了無痕 2020-4-16 21:48:04 其實我都計過,以支那官方公布人口14億,從國外購入50M稻米,即是人均36.3kg,係接近人均一年消耗量,仲未計佢自己種植,除非係有心囤積居奇(加上佢閘住湄公河上游,影響泰國、越南、柬埔寨幾個產米主要國水源),否則應該唔會有國家囤積咁多糧食...


HaHaHello 2020-4-16 21:49:36 +4,617 cases
春袋了無痕 2020-4-16 21:50:00 有既,都可以搵個豬朋狗友吹兩句,當作舒緩情緒..
懷疑人 2020-4-16 21:50:37
SG謝拉特 2020-4-16 21:51:12 聽到喊

ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-16 21:51:46 疫苗冇晒聲氣
春袋了無痕 2020-4-16 21:52:32 英國現時所經歷,大約係意大利兩、三星期前情況...
黑警死全家X 2020-4-16 21:53:50 此回覆已被刪除
HaHaHello 2020-4-16 21:54:49 Can you make a phone call to talk to them right now. It is better to hear a human's voice than just typing at here.

May be you can go to the other channel at LIHKG to talk about the new iPhone or something else.

I believe that there are quite a few people here who are worrying about you. Hope you feel better now.
春袋了無痕 2020-4-16 21:56:11

蛇夫子 2020-4-16 22:00:02 意大利🇮🇹:


SG謝拉特 2020-4-16 22:00:25 報數呀
淋病西萎 2020-4-16 22:00:40 本日Bandai Namco向世界衛生組織捐出1億
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

淋病西萎 2020-4-16 22:04:04 而家咁根本係人禍黎
好多人BLAME 支那爆毒, 但唔BLAME 自己防衛
即係人地準備出兵打你, 已經兵臨城下, 你仲係度酒池肉林
淋病西萎 2020-4-16 22:08:18 究竟北極熊條數係咪真數?