HaHaHello 2020-4-15 21:23:21 I cannot type Chinese. Sorry.
All I can is to write Hong Kong style English and put more grammatical mistakes.

Old man cannot learn new things. So I cannot learn how to input Chinese into my computer.


E•MO•TION 2020-4-15 21:23:28 歐盟我仲算有少少理解,始終佢哋係最早中招嗰堆,美國同Russia停工都唔夠一個月咁快就講復工真係
HaHaHello 2020-4-15 21:23:48 Yes. They have no choice.
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-4-15 21:40:55 英國13% death rate
九指連環 2020-4-15 21:41:59 比利時仲慘
春袋了無痕 2020-4-15 21:42:15 個鬼佬成日用手拉住口罩面上上落落,其實好錯,如果遇上帶病毒者於附近咳,口罩面就係痴住最多病毒位置,用手掂完會不自覺污染到全身,甚至再傳染俾人。
大英測量仔 2020-4-15 21:45:42 佢仲有好多唔係醫院死嗰啲人冇計,嗰度都有三千幾人
九指連環 2020-4-15 21:47:18 英撚今次真係柒到落地核
UST南亞仔 2020-4-15 21:47:57 不過繼續奶共
HaHaHello 2020-4-15 21:51:12 They do not know how to use the face masks!

One of the reasons the health advisers in the West did not recommend healthy people to wear masks is that they worried the general public could not use the face masks correctly.

I have sent the teaching material of using face masks produced by the Hong Kong Government to my friends and relatives in the West.
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-15 22:02:10 美國、以色列同俄佬,政府層面:



百佳誠哥 2020-4-15 22:04:00 俄羅斯新增三千幾,會唔會打鳩小學雞
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-15 22:04:17 同埋好多美國人、俄羅斯人同以色列佬郁手郁腳打戴口罩既香港人、台灣人同澳門人
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-15 22:05:13 俄羅斯可能會一車南送曬感染左中蟈武漢肺炎既中蟈人俾番晒支共
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-15 22:06:26 英國政府繼續支持香港....蟔警
HBTW 2020-4-15 22:08:23 法屬聖馬丁+3 Confirmed,Total:35
佛得角+45 Confirmed,Total:56
芬蘭+8 Deaths,Total:72
冰島+7 Confirmed,Total:1727
英國+4603 Confirmed,Total:98476, +761 Deaths,Total:12868
馬達加斯加+2 Confirmed,Total:110
印度+68 Confirmed,Total:11906, +2 Deaths,Total:405
畿內亞+41 Confirmed,Total:404
圭亞那+1 Confirmed,Total:48
阿塞拜疆+56 Confirmed,Total:1253
塞爾維亞+408 Confirmed,Total:4873, +5 Deaths,Total:99
馬里+4 Confirmed,Total:148
海峽群島+5 Confirmed,Total:440
北馬其頓+66 Confirmed,Total:974, +1 Death,Total:45
沙特阿拉伯+493 Confirmed,Total:5862, +6 Deaths,Total:79
巴林+143 Confirmed,Total:1671
多哥+4 Confirmed,Total:81
塞內加爾+15 Confirmed,Total:314
克羅地亞+37 Confirmed,Total:1741, +2 Deaths,Total:34
瑞典+482 Confirmed,Total:11927, +170 Deaths,Total:1203
肯亞+9 Confirmed,Total:225, +1 Death,Total:10
蛇夫子 2020-4-15 22:09:21 康復接近50萬
哇屌 2020-4-15 22:09:46 白皮豚

試下唔戴罩黎香港 我第1個衝去屌柒佢
春袋了無痕 2020-4-15 22:10:19 五月見400萬....
哇屌 2020-4-15 22:11:42 monkeypore 出人數未
HaHaHello 2020-4-15 22:12:10 No


倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-4-15 22:12:14 未,亡撚左國
窮人生仔真仆街 2020-4-15 22:12:31 用東北做賠償
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-4-15 22:13:04 李家坡(支那坡)唔係浪得虛名
HaHaHello 2020-4-15 22:14:16 It is so unbelievable that the Monkey brings us together. Otherwise, some of us may have go to sleep.