[本地足球] 2019/20 港超聯、亞協及香港隊世盃外討論區 (74)
大埔M子 2020-4-6 21:19:30 So much respect to 陳仔


大埔M子 2020-4-6 21:20:29 【抗疫小TIPS】

#coffindance #抗疫tips #和富大埔 #與你一齊抗疫 #tpfc #wofootaipo
~P仔~ 2020-4-6 21:44:09 葵涌公園幾時起返兩個草地場
黃威 2020-4-6 21:44:40 佢好似喺香港出世,咁有冇資格攞特護?
皇天擊殺死克警 2020-4-6 21:49:46

皇天擊殺死克警 2020-4-6 21:50:44 香港出世自動有特護

~P仔~ 2020-4-6 21:53:37 香港出世既話有
吳沚默(迷摩) 2020-4-6 21:55:13 此回覆已被刪除
大埔M子 2020-4-6 21:59:35 Good!
黃威 2020-4-6 22:02:26 呢嗰會唔會就係gw list入面其中之一
但係佢想代表支那 屌
吳沚默(迷摩) 2020-4-6 22:07:42 此回覆已被刪除


吳沚默(迷摩) 2020-4-6 22:08:57 此回覆已被刪除
小柏林圍牆 2020-4-6 22:15:15 7哥有無下季?
大埔M子 2020-4-6 22:16:16 內文直接反映加維蘭英語水平,唔執了

Q:Manu what do you think of your performance this season in Hong Kong, and do you enjoy playing football in this city ?
加維蘭:the experience has been very positive and I enjoyed many games this season, but at the same time I feel a bit frustrated because we couldn’ play regularly and that’s why my performance wasn’t 100 per cent. Next season will be great for sure.

Q:You scored a number of goals this season and obviously a very important player for HVAA. Do you want to continue your stay here or other Asian countries? One more question is what kind of food you enjoy the most in HK? 😆 Thank you for your good work and hope you would keep it up! 👍🏻
加維蘭:I love Asia but like I said in another question, this is football and you’ll never now what happen tomorrow, so let’s see what happen first with the viru’s situation and then we can start to think about future. I eat different kind of asian food, i love it. But to be honest I am use to go to japanese and thailand restaurants.

Q:Would u recommend or help your young talent teammates to play in Spain’s lower division?
加維蘭:of course I would recommend them. They’d improve and enjoy so much. Playing overseas is always a good choice because you open your mind and you learn new skills 👏🏽

Q:Any Cantonese wording you learn?
加維蘭:My mate chi ho Siu taught me everyday one new cantonese word in the trainings. Specially swearwords hahaha I need 5 lifes more if i want to learn cantonese. So difficult .😪

Q:What features of Spanish football style do you think will help upgrade performance by Hong Kong local players (especially young ones)?
加維蘭:Young players must learn tactic and being smart in the pitch. This is one of the most important things in football. Spain works tactic and tecnich at the same level. And even when we make physical activities we make it with the ball.
大埔M子 2020-4-6 22:25:15 Q:who is the most funny player in the team
加維蘭:kayeung for sure! 👆🏾

Q:También, Recomendarías a tus amigos o ex-companeros a venir Y jugar en Hong kong? Y por qué ? Cuál es tu comida favorita acá en Hong kong?
加維蘭:many friends from Spain with a high level ask me every time to join Hong Kong premier league and I recommend them for sure. This is a really great experience 👏🏽

Q:What are your hobbies?
加維蘭: I like rooftops bar for drinking coffee and Hong kong is the best place for that. I use to go to the beach frecuently.

Q:If you are not a professional football player, what occupation would you choose?
加維蘭:I studied business management and I like the economy. In a future I would like to work on it.

Q:How do you feel about eating, daily living and transportation at between Spain/Italy and Hong Kong?
加維蘭:Europe I had had always car. At the beginning in Hong Kong was so weird going to the training by bus. Anyway public transports work so so good in Hong Kong👌🏾

Q: How do you think the co-operation with these young players in Happy Valley? Do you think they all have the talent and passion?
加維蘭:I think it’s a good initiative because most of them have passion and quality, but professional football is a very difficult world and they must improve a lot and learn a lot of things. Player from abroud must teach them everything we know.
民主黨賣香港 2020-4-6 22:28:21 垃圾到
丹蘇.居里 2020-4-6 22:40:30 lm
祖樂比 2020-4-6 22:58:38 Chan Hiu Ming 陳曉明


1. 對香港隊於國際賽之成績:
FIFA day 通常位於三、四、六月及九、十、十一月,因此無論何種賽季國際賽皆有機會於季初或季尾出戰。另外亞冠及亞協Play off皆在年初舉行,現時賽期或較利於香港球隊爭取出線。唯獨六月的比賽,大部份球隊皆已完季,或會對少數參加亞洲賽的球隊有所影響。

2. 氣候問題:

3. 與甲乙丙組青年及女子劃一賽季
如要改變一個賽季的定議,應經過足總AGM更改每個賽季的起始及結束日期 (現時為每年七月一日到翌年六月三十日) 。隨了超聯,甲乙丙青年等組別亦需涵接,否則會出現同一總會但賽季不一,升降球隊甚至會有半年真空期不能作賽。若跟隨超聯賽季,甲乙丙組及女子屬會有否得到咨詢? 如果於暑假作賽,場地安排上能否同時應付?與學年的不同會否造成其他混亂?

4. 與亞洲其他國家同步
亞洲有不少國家以三月開季並以十月完季,因此建議認為此舉或可與其他國家同步。但其實仍然有不少國家按其氣候環境實行跨年制的聯賽,包括澳洲A league和印度 I League,因此亞洲足協其實未有特別指引指明香港必須跟隨。再者,中日韓亦有報導正討論由年初展開球季,改為歐洲及我們沿用的跨年制,以增加球員輸出和簽入球員。大家又覺得,與其他國家同步有何益處?
孫銘謙(左閘) 2020-4-6 23:16:31 羅神:賽馬會快救!
答沉船 2020-4-6 23:44:40 中日韓亦有報導正討論由年初展開球季,改為歐洲及我們沿用的跨年制

風暴兵-2187 2020-4-6 23:47:46 跨年制都可以早d開季或者遲d完季 中間有個歇暑期


皇天擊殺死克警 2020-4-7 00:38:01

用筷子食萬寶路 2020-4-7 07:53:55 答嗰個啲英文好過問嗰個

小柏林圍牆 2020-4-7 09:49:46 中間歇暑咁同依家有咩分別
而且6-9月又熱又打風 到時D波係咁改期點算
HK_Bellerin 2020-4-7 09:56:16 寧願佢賽程密