[屌你老母武漢肺炎]曼聯永不忘記光復香港時代革命終極 FF 吹水區 [837]
七百年後 2020-4-7 17:26:17 8號嘅朗尼


大蔥 2020-4-7 17:50:42 點解我內文揾唔到同你講嘅嘢Match嘅
McSorley 2020-4-7 17:55:52 Man United have donated protective gloves and aprons from their match day supplies to the emergency assessment unit at Salford Royal Hospital 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

我愛一碌葛 2020-4-7 17:56:09 此回覆已被刪除
大佬史摩寧👹 2020-4-7 18:01:28 此回覆已被刪除
胡力威(掙扎中) 2020-4-7 18:37:33 狗餅係咪唔駛燒木仔間屋太得閒
逆插玫瑰 2020-4-7 18:50:12 咁得閒不如一齊整吓po頭
見其他狗竇全部都有squad list
海邊的曼徹斯特 2020-4-7 19:02:52 想整好耐
逆插玫瑰 2020-4-7 19:05:29 我都係
逆插玫瑰 2020-4-7 19:07:37 Wan Bissaka認為,曼城的Sterling是他遇過最難纏的對手。他指對方會不停嘗試衝擊自己,即使不成功也會再接再勵,直言欣賞和享受每一次與他對碰。
山風老豆(真波) 2020-4-7 19:11:55 唔夠爆


山風老豆(真波) 2020-4-7 19:14:32 1. Van Der Sar
2. Gary Neville
3. Evra
4. Stam
5. Rio
6. Brown
7. Ronaldo
8. Mata
9. Berbatov
10. Rooney
11. Giggs
12. Smalling
13. Park
14. Chicharito
15. Vidic
16. Carrick
17. Blind
18. Scholes
19. Rashford
20. VPS
21. Herrera
22. Mhki
23. Shaw
海邊的曼徹斯特 2020-4-7 19:17:05 我地試下搞?
熊餅 2020-4-7 19:17:44 事實上係幾得閒
海邊的曼徹斯特 2020-4-7 19:23:29 洗唔洗整埋波衫上面影自己個username個啲
毀屍函 2020-4-7 19:45:37 呢啲小農共產思想行為有咩好學
海邊的曼徹斯特 2020-4-7 19:48:40
咁又未必 2020-4-7 19:54:05 18 young 22 scholes
小豆J.Hern. 2020-4-7 19:55:38

胡力威(掙扎中) 2020-4-7 19:56:20 Staff from Manchester United and MU Foundation have kicked off another week in the coronavirus crisis by delivering food and drink to local groups and charities dealing with the impacts of the pandemic.
The workforce packaged up 30,000 items and took them to a number of places in Greater Manchester including Stretford Food Bank and Salford Royal Hospital

GoneWithTheWind 2020-4-7 20:21:14 曼曼送


夜子若+ 2020-4-7 20:25:25 不如講下同一number 有咩選擇

花心糖膠 2020-4-7 20:26:10 喺街到load 嘅時候最灰就係一堆圖
McSorley 2020-4-7 20:32:40 唔戴口罩送,你食埋我個份
以利沙 2020-4-7 20:36:50 咁撚on9