富豪大法好 2020-4-14 23:24:30 Royal級桃



日本膠流生 2020-4-14 23:24:53 跟住就到桃同蜜瓜架啦
中華航空 2020-4-15 00:57:42 夜晚落完雨個天咁清, 我唔駛返工都入去一轉
彌彌敦道 2020-4-15 00:58:59 勁想食桃
摩佬(回塘) 2020-4-15 01:34:35 做過國泰倉雪房,日本ports真係唔少雪貨
浦子 2020-4-15 06:09:21
アンデルウオ 2020-4-15 07:11:02
アンデルウオ 2020-4-15 08:15:46 士多啤梨唔係解雪會極快爛咩
綠帽鹿角 2020-4-15 08:43:18 下次搭秦航同啲空姐反映下囉
對羊彈琴 2020-4-15 09:00:32

アンデルウオ 2020-4-15 09:22:43



簽佢黎把撚呀 2020-4-15 11:34:42 日本就唔洗講啦下話
麻辣殺小 2020-4-15 12:08:29 Uo繼續停
アンデルウオ 2020-4-15 12:19:33 [HK Express 延長暫停航班營運至2020年6月18日]


1. 更改原定航線之出發日期
2. 更改為HK Express其他航線
3. 以代金券形式全數退款,並可獲額外10% 淨票價回贈(有效期一年)
4. 全數退款

旅客可瀏覽我哋官網 https://bit.ly/2Rzu0nY 以獲取更多資訊。

我哋非常感激呢段期間一直支持HK Express嘅旅客。我地嘅團隊非常期待再次為您服務!


[HK Express Extends Temporary Flight Suspensions to 18 June 2020]

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, governments have continued to impose travel restrictions. Unfortunately, this means we have to extend our flight operations suspension to 18 June 2020 (inclusive).

We are looking into resuming flight operations on 19 June 2020, subject to the development of the pandemic situation.

Customers whose travel plans have been affected will have the following options*:
1. Date change on the same route
2. Change to a new route within our HK Express network
3. Full Refund via credit voucher with extra 10% rebate on the base fare (valid for 1 year)
4. Full Refund

Full details are available on our official website https://bit.ly/3chYhj7 .

If you have not submitted a refund application (not applicable to Customers whose original flight date has passed), you may choose to refund with credit voucher.
If you have applied for a refund but have not received the relevant payment, you may also apply via https://bit.ly/3b8xqpG to change to refund in the form of a credit voucher. You may drop us a private message on Facebook if you have any inquiries .
To address this unprecedented volume of inquiries, we have ramped up our resources to cater to your needs. You could help us by calling our hotline only within 72 hours of your original departure time. We are very sorry to keep you waiting, thank you for your patience and understanding.
Our team looks forward to welcoming you onboard again soon!

*Terms and conditions apply
浦子 2020-4-15 13:21:05 其實ANA HND T2定T3係點決定

廚叉狙擊手 2020-4-15 13:31:55 香港航空停不停?
浦子 2020-4-15 13:32:52
我只係一隻羊 2020-4-15 14:16:30
金鐘勁flight 2020-4-15 14:41:36 唔係話14日隔離令去到6月18咩
金鐘勁flight 2020-4-15 14:45:53 退110%coupon都唔想人退錢
真俊華 2020-4-15 15:11:04 企業角度當然要cashflow啦


ボーイング 2020-4-15 15:16:24 篤航都搞30/6買前機票免手續費改時間、行程
富豪大法好 2020-4-15 15:26:27 如果買$88機票
碧池面 2020-4-15 15:27:22 仲有大把公司仲係退credit唔退錢
浦子 2020-4-15 15:51:31