高院裁警有搜令始可查市民手機 警方上訴得直
雜種維尼 2020-4-2 15:31:43 終審法院呢??


狗主 2020-4-2 15:31:48 此回覆已被刪除
零秒出口 2020-4-2 15:31:52 笑死
如果真的太好 2020-4-2 15:32:05 此回覆已被刪除
死閪婆 2020-4-2 15:32:07 衰過住中國
那樣動搖不如罷了 2020-4-2 15:32:14 Dllm
條女對腳好粗 2020-4-2 15:32:16 35+否決個任命佢
醉曖傑少 2020-4-2 15:32:18 好坦白講
車毀人亡 2020-4-2 15:32:30 法治=??

老夫要上了 2020-4-2 15:32:30 此回覆已被刪除
推post_Xander 2020-4-2 15:32:32 好嬲呀好嬲呀


除暴go 2020-4-2 15:32:40 走法律罅㗎。。。
入雲我信 2020-4-2 15:32:41 立即上訴
吾好搞我後面牙 2020-4-2 15:32:51 捉咗你,收咗機就可以爆
友誼至上 2020-4-2 15:32:59
女施主請留步 2020-4-2 15:32:59 twitter 戰線,同搵個英文好既人開聯署要求制裁紅官啦
pop子 2020-4-2 15:33:06 捱打

Bracton 2020-4-2 15:33:07 218. In summary, we hold that the power to conduct a mobile phone search upon arrest can be exercised if:

(a) a warrant is obtained under Section 50(7); or

(b) when it is not reasonably practicable to obtain such warrant before a search is conducted, the police officer must also have a reasonable basis for having to conduct the search immediately as being necessary (i) for the investigation of the offence(s) for which the person was suspected to be involved, including the procurement and preservation of information or evidence connected with such offences; or (ii) for the protection of the safety of persons (including the victim(s) of the crime, members of the public in the vicinity, the arrested person and the police officers at the scene);

(c) for a warrantless search conducted under (b) above, other than a cursory examination for filtering purpose, the scope of the detail examination of the digital contents of a phone should be limited to items relevant to objectives set out in sub-paragraph (b);

(d) in addition, a police officer should make an adequate written record of the purpose and scope of the warrantless search as soon as reasonably practicable after the performance of the search and a copy of the written record should be supplied forthwith to the arrested person unless doing so would jeopardize the ongoing process of criminal investigation.

根據Judgment班狗唔係可以無warrant可以隨便睇電話 仲要符合一堆要求先可以睇架 唔好俾佢地兇到
古你吾島 2020-4-2 15:33:09 又bin c
維京戰士 2020-4-2 15:33:10 此回覆已被刪除
紅松鼠殺人事件 2020-4-2 15:33:10 唔係咁既意思

以前只會屈非法集結 暴動etc


一人有一套夢乃 2020-4-2 15:33:11
SPCE 2020-4-2 15:33:14 法治
糊辣2小(多芽菜) 2020-4-2 15:33:16 此回覆已被刪除
牟世法王 2020-4-2 15:33:16 可唔可以做呈堂證供已經差好遠