失之我命 2020-4-27 14:35:26


Liluzivert 2020-4-27 14:40:39
阿迪達 2020-4-27 16:05:16 細fund 一執就係執 unwind
所以想absolute stability 就真係唔好入行
眼訓仔 2020-4-27 16:09:09
(´・ェ・`) 2020-4-27 16:10:23 此回覆已被刪除
會考無5分 2020-4-27 16:19:35
眼訓仔 2020-4-27 16:24:56
Liluzivert 2020-4-27 16:30:20
Raptor 2020-4-27 16:30:52 hell no

I'm on the same boat

sell side is a dying business mifid 2 kills
if u r good enough, go to hedgee
otherwise just enjoy life...which is what I'm doing...
Raptor 2020-4-27 16:34:16 really depends on your boss...and how tough your compliance department is

life is better if your boss is a foreigner!
榮巴 2020-4-27 16:38:52 請contract, 炒長工。慳褔利


真誠舞 2020-4-27 16:44:31
Raptor 2020-4-27 17:00:10 close to 100 easy in mine in the entire front office including equity fixed income multi assets traders quant etc.
Lemontea___ 2020-4-27 17:05:09 Sell side bb research通常做幾多年先會轉去buy side? 個pay其實會cut幾多
最專一的人 2020-4-27 17:12:05
眼訓仔 2020-4-27 17:18:36
眼訓仔 2020-4-27 17:21:29
meloncello 2020-4-27 17:24:51
遊戲世界 2020-4-27 17:53:41 如果bb bo tax/finance dept想知一般package大概係點?

之前都好似有係其他post問過 有啲巴打表示分分鐘低過big4升上去
阿迪達 2020-4-27 18:04:30
倫敦金 2020-4-27 18:04:40


Raptor 2020-4-27 18:26:26
眼訓仔 2020-4-27 18:38:04
Pogba 2020-4-27 18:42:37 睇際遇
Raptor 2020-4-27 19:03:17 take a look at Greenwich salary survey
the range is damn wide
also, management style matters
1 can be high base low bonus or vice versa