人人原來是我 2020-4-9 10:37:05


連狗老豆 2020-4-9 10:43:59 呢排睡眠質素好差


甜軟小奶貓 2020-4-9 10:48:49
盧總 2020-4-9 13:03:54 做下運動
盧總 2020-4-9 13:04:13 咁時間好難過
和道一文字 2020-4-9 13:27:28 此回覆已被刪除
甜軟小奶貓 2020-4-9 13:33:33
唔諗呀 2020-4-9 14:18:46 我都係
人人原來是我 2020-4-9 14:25:02 打左成日機
Re0 2020-4-9 14:33:56 仲有三個鐘阿屌
李洪基 2020-4-9 14:36:19 我呢加都係返緊兩份Pt cs 但同Full time一樣返1-5

諗緊做住先定 搵份full 文職

第時in 長工見我得Pt經驗
但呢加做緊既Cs 同Admin

但最怕搵Full 搵唔返呢加既錢


李洪基 2020-4-9 14:36:59 我都係
prokofiev 2020-4-9 14:57:36 去下旅行散下心
prokofiev 2020-4-9 16:40:17 My friend Paul is an accounting manager at Hilton. If he takes the job at Big 4, he'll be four thousand eight hundred dollars a month better off but he's still better off now than he was two years ago when he was working below everybody else in the department. He thinks a junior accountant position is beneath him. If he hadn't taken the CPA exam two years before, he wouldn't be working as a manager now. If he had pursued a career in sales rather than accounting, his salary would be much lower. If it hadn't been for his auntie's referral to Hilton, his career wouldn't take off now and he wouldn't start earning a lot of money. He's been having a crush on this girl named Jo for eight years but Jo has a boyfriend. His friend said "That's totally fair. She's quite attractive." But he's beginning to realise he has no place in her scheme of things. He's just being a doormat so I told him to forget her. She's just not worth it. His uncle said "You would be better off without her." His mother too said "You'll be better off without her." Paul is a science fiction fan. He said "If starships really would exist, I would quit my job and spend the rest of my life roaming the universe." Recently, his sister married her childhood sweetheart. Her father felt she was marrying beneath her though. Her uncle too feels her husband is beneath her. She enjoys socializing with the better off. Last month, Paul was away on a business trip to Hokkaido. After his trip, I said "If you should travel there again, can you get me a pack of White Lover Cookies please?" Paul is a computer expert. His cousin has to write a report which is due on Thursday but he's having problems with his computer. If Paul will go and fix his computer, he'll be so thankful for his help. His cousin also has exams next Monday so he's better off revising at home over the weekend. Paul is a kickboxing fan. His favorite fighter Dan has won his retirement fight lately. Dan is eternally grateful to his coaches and thankful that he's got a job as a color commentator after he retired from the sport. All the fans wanna see Fred versus Randy. If Fred would sign a contract with the organization, Dana will make the fight happen. When Randy was reading the terms and conditions of the contract, Dana's assistant said "If you would just sign here please." Paul's brother is a concierge in a hotel. I said "If it'll make you happy, I'll come to stay for a night as company for you while your colleagues are away." My friend John isn't very well-to-do while his girlfriend's family is very well-off. Last week, he gave a party at his place where cheap wines were served. The sofas in his flat are made of some cheap material. His television is cheap and nasty. As many of us wanted to watch the news, I said "If I could turn the television on please." He then said "Sure. If you would switch to the news channel." I saw Joey live twice at the Hong Kong Coliseum with my friends which was marvelous and unforgettable. The first time we saw her concert, we were late. I remember I said "Look at the time. The concert will have begun." It was quarter after eight. The concert would've started by then. By the end of the next century, scientists will have invented starships. As I'm fascinated by the science of starships, I'm going to ask physics professor Dr. Chow about it. I'm gonna wait outside the lecture room at five of six. He will have finished his lecture. I thought about phoning him at twenty of two but my friend said "Don't phone him now. He won't have finished his lecture yet." It's true that he wouldn't have finished teaching yet.
連狗老豆 2020-4-9 16:46:48 in咗先囉
沙嶺村民 2020-4-9 16:56:05 盧sir 放假未
沙嶺村民 2020-4-9 16:56:30
鐵馬尋橋 2020-4-9 17:10:03 屌 睇黎今日要ot
連狗老豆 2020-4-9 17:10:12
連登公共關係科 2020-4-9 17:11:30 此回覆已被刪除
鐵馬尋橋 2020-4-9 17:19:13


人人原來是我 2020-4-9 17:22:37 公司whatsapp group 好撚煩

人人原來是我 2020-4-9 17:23:15
人人原來是我 2020-4-9 17:23:43 molamola
沙嶺村民 2020-4-9 17:28:03