[幾時開波呀DLLM] LA Lakers 討論區 & MAMBA FOREVER (201)
觀塘塔矢亮 2020-3-30 21:28:06 邊到公認? 仲有laker girls 個roster 冇佢


JermaineCole 2020-3-30 21:30:03 世界公認
Nick_Young❤️ 2020-3-30 21:56:40 此回覆已被刪除
觀塘塔矢亮 2020-3-31 00:51:03 買左2k20都冇咩玩
19ball b 先可以一齊上95+
廢b(全明星) 2020-3-31 08:34:05

逆插玫瑰 2020-3-31 10:10:20 收皮啦
無敵李安立 2020-3-31 10:18:13 此回覆已被刪除
梳b 2020-3-31 10:45:44
佳得樂 2020-3-31 13:40:52 智障先睇twice
移民樂 2020-3-31 20:01:12
廢b(全明星) 2020-3-31 22:21:44 支拿春


JermaineCole 2020-4-1 00:40:54 高生都算大整蠱 玩到愚人節先上水

Reus 2020-4-1 09:13:48 有冇人知Kobe 5 proto幾時出?
逆插玫瑰 2020-4-1 11:32:41 The two unnamed Lakers players have cleared from coronavirus.
華文碩 2020-4-1 12:28:12 唔撚開名 應該到期合約
Nick_Young❤️ 2020-4-1 12:53:56 此回覆已被刪除
逆插玫瑰 2020-4-1 13:38:26 愚人節到啦,kobe仲未出嚟?
Nick_Young❤️ 2020-4-1 13:41:10 此回覆已被刪除
廢b(全明星) 2020-4-1 14:05:27 Sad but true
prokofiev 2020-4-1 16:25:10 LeBron James is a Taurus whereas his wife is an Aquarius. Originally, LeBron had a press conference yesterday but it was delayed for four hours. As time went by, tempers flared up and harsh words were exchanged. As they scuffled, violence flared. Several people who dressed in flared jeans were injured in scuffles with the security guards. As fighting flared, even some of the security guards were injured. LeBron went back home before the news conference started because he gave a barbecue party at his house. Some of his friends spilt too much oil when they were barbecuing some steaks, causing the barbecue to flare up. As his friends barbecued some chicken, thetr was a sudden flare. As time passed, the sky was getting darker so they began lighting candles; some of the candles flared then flickered, others flickered then went out. LeBron let off the fireworks. His sister too helped to set off the fireworks. Everybody else stood there, admiring the flares of the fireworks. After four hours, the press conference finally began. Conflict flared up during the news conference which at one point threatened to flare into a lawsuit. Half an hour later, the conflict quieted down but trouble began to flare in several districts simultaneously. LeBron's sister has lots of clothes in her wardrobe, such as a formal dress that flares out into a train, a pair of flares that flares at the ankle, a skirt that flares just above the knees, a pair of chinos that flares just above the ankle and a skirt with flares. LeBron has a horse in his garden. It's funny. When Lebron is late to feed his horse, it'll flare its nostrils in anger. Then LeBron's nostrils will flare back to communicate with it. LeBron has a breezy smile and a breezy personality. An easy-going type of person. I like his breezy manner.
Nick_Young❤️ 2020-4-1 17:17:59 此回覆已被刪除


MaiNi 2020-4-1 17:35:39 cls都知up乜鳩
Dybala 2020-4-1 22:27:42 屌 原來kobe未死
廢b(全明星) 2020-4-1 22:39:05 常在心
廢b(全明星) 2020-4-2 08:45:18

