(奎妍可拉英) 永遠的 KARA (2)
知英BB 2020-4-7 21:32:19 俏二姐



美極淋上肥婆度 2020-4-8 17:36:34

牙班 2020-4-9 12:22:25 我唔小心買多左2本,有冇人想買但未買可以同我要
倉鼠女神 2020-4-9 19:34:34 我仲未訂
牙班 2020-4-9 19:36:08 有冇興趣 我本身買2本 依家有4本
知英BB 2020-4-9 19:58:13 有無搞錯呀,仲未訂
知英BB 2020-4-9 19:59:51 二姐尋晚玩 IG Live,我瞓響床度開住手機睇佢,好正

CHOK人 2020-4-10 13:47:04
倉鼠女神 2020-4-10 14:09:03 咁我要1本,thx
牙班 2020-4-10 14:10:10 有冇tg?
倉鼠女神 2020-4-10 14:25:05


牙班 2020-4-10 15:25:29
知英BB 2020-4-10 19:19:04 From Seungyeon's live IG :

Her 13th debut anniversary & she was definitely thinking about it until the day before. On her debut anniversary, she bought a cake just because she felt like she want to eat it. Also ate steak & drank glass of wine (she forgot about her anniversary)

Seungyeon realized it after Jiyoung sent congratulations message to her in kakaotalk. So basically Seungyeon celebrated her anniversary with cake, steak and wine without she noticed it.

Seungyeon also mentioned the members get in touch a lot. Nicole is Seungyeon's neighbour.

Seungyeon's house is 230m away from Nicole's house. So they always make a side dish for each other. When Seungyeon eat, she sent an authentication shot but there is no word/reply from Nicole. Hammie sighed lol...
知英BB 2020-4-13 16:19:42 二姐呼籲各位要勤洗手同埋帶罩呀

CHOK人 2020-4-13 18:23:07
美極淋上肥婆度 2020-4-14 13:54:30 二姐簽咗YGX


知英BB 2020-4-14 14:05:59 簽咗楊菊花間公司?
CHOK人 2020-4-14 14:29:54
倉鼠女神 2020-4-14 18:00:48 睇果陣心諗係咪真係YG
CHOK人 2020-4-24 18:06:13
Kamiliano2 2020-4-25 16:40:16 仆街啦簽YGX


Kamiliano2 2020-4-25 16:41:37 好返了
Kamiliano2 2020-4-25 18:39:59 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU42Oi1avlI
Kamiliano2 2020-4-25 18:41:40 車公
梁睿娜 2020-4-25 19:16:27 去返呢度post