[STAY] Stray Kids討論區(1)兩周年fan song《Mixtape : On Track》
RCH 2021-2-22 12:38:10 https://www.forbes.com/sites/hughmcintyre/2021/02/07/txt-exo-stray-kids-and-ateez-the-k-pop-boy-bands-that-could-break-in-america-in-2021/?sh=62b5c05f3e73

Stray Kids

In the few years they’ve been together, Stray Kids have released an astounding amount of music, with almost all of it performing extremely well on both the World Albums and World Digital Song Sales charts, where they have racked up nearly 10 top 10s on both lists.

The band’s first full-length Go Live didn’t quite make the Billboard 200, but it did enter the top 40 on the Top Album Sales, hitting No. 26 and spending three frames on the tally. At the rate they churn out new collections, it’s only a matter of time before they rise higher and higher, eventually breaking on to the main roster.


Oriol 2021-2-22 19:58:41 聽晚 Kingdom intro stage 記得投票
韓知城 2021-2-22 23:19:03 https://twitter.com/Whosfan_HANTEO/status/1363861631973740544?s=19

韓知城 2021-2-23 15:39:36

金昇玟 2021-2-23 19:25:24 啲仔做得好好

Oriol 2021-2-23 19:26:40 垃圾app已死ser
韓知城 2021-2-23 19:35:23 係時候去loop下miroh
拇指馴鹿 2021-2-23 19:36:45 依家改咗投到去27號2359
李旻浩 2021-2-23 19:50:16 一開頭聽到산을 넘어 산 넘어嗰句已經起曬雞皮
Pabo初冧 2021-2-24 11:46:55 屌 冇mark低尋晚miss左
RCH 2021-2-25 12:55:42 https://star.ettoday.net/news/1924676
韓國做明星好慘, D人網上UP下就當真. 而家好似邊個紅就整邊個, 痴線


韓知城 2021-2-25 15:29:41
李旻浩 2021-2-25 22:41:37
韓知城 2021-2-25 23:19:03
小飛象牙 2021-2-25 23:52:27 啲人食花生 淨係po 爆料
芒叉我男人 2021-2-26 00:00:47 唉 啲人局外人係咁㗎啦
金昇玟 2021-2-26 00:05:59
小飛象牙 2021-2-26 00:19:23 大家撐住 比心機投多啲票💛💛
RCH 2021-2-26 10:47:50

黃禮志老公 2021-2-26 10:49:47 @非必要銀河收藏簿丨黃鉉辰

「210226 INS更新鉉辰手寫信」
大家好 我是Stray Kids的鉉辰 。首先,向學生時代因我的錯誤言行而受到傷害的人們表示衷心的歉意。 回顧我比現在更不足的時期所做過的行動,感到羞愧,也沒有辯解的文字。 我明白,我不知道如何去關心別人的話和行動,傷害了別人。 雖然為時已晚,但我會深刻反省的。 無論是有意還是無意,給某人造成無法洗刷的傷口是絕對不能原諒的。 我很清楚,即使我道歉並接受道歉,過去的傷痛也不會完全消失,所以正在深刻反省。 雖然有些晚,但我想直接見到那些因我而受傷的人,向他們道歉,並通過這篇文章傳達請求寬恕的話,雖然厚顏無恥,但還是想對他們說聲謝謝。 雖然沒能直接見面,但是對於學生時期因我的不當言行而受到傷害的其他人,也這樣用文字表示歉意。 給支持我的很多人帶來了深深的失望,真的對不起。
RCH 2021-2-26 10:52:25 之前NCT泰容都試過咁,希望Hyunjin都好似佢咁好快冇事


韓知城 2021-2-26 10:55:43
RCH 2021-2-26 10:56:21 韓國要係完人先做得明星
RCH 2021-2-26 11:00:07 校園霸凌
王陽明先生 2021-2-26 11:03:32 https://www.allkpop.com/article/2021/02/jyp-entertainment-reveals-stray-kidss-hyunjin-personally-met-apologized-to-his-former-classmates

JYP Entertainment reveals Stray Kids's Hyunjin personally met & apologized to his former classmates

On February 26, JYP Entertainment released an updated statement in response to Stray Kids member Hyunjin's recent school bullying accusations.

The agency stated:
"First, we would like to apologize to many of those who felt discomfort due to the negative news involving Stray Kids's Hyunjin. We also ask for your understanding in our belated statement, as it took time to investigate the matter as accurately as possible through various sources.

After the issue first arose, JYP Entertainment contacted various former classmates, teachers, and other affiliates of the school; after receiving permission, we also personally met up with the initial accuser.

Once we collected the testimonies of various individuals affiliated with this incident, there was a level of difficulty in confirming the complete truth behind the initial accusation post, due to the fact that individuals gave differing accounts based on their memories.

Nonetheless, it is true that there are individuals who were hurt by Hyunjin's past immature and inappropriate actions, and Hyunjin is also currently deeply regretting his past behavior, and so he personally met up with his former classmates to offer his sincerest apologies.

We would like to once again thank Hyunjin's former classmates for accepting his sincere apologies, for their willingness to resolve the issue peacefully, and for cheering on Hyunjin's future promotions.

We would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to any former classmates whom we were unable to contact, as well as any who felt they were hurt by Hyunjin's words in the past.

Hyunjin has resolved to always reflect on his past behaviors and cultivate better character, and JYP Entertainment also plans on doing our best to guide our artists in their moral paths.

Finally, we ask that you refrain from the spread of any more false rumors or speculative posts online, and we promise to place greater attention to aspects of our artist/trainee selection process which we carried out poorly in the past. Thank you."