[Thank you Pedro] 車路士球迷暨黑警死全家支那滅黨討論區
劍聖一心(用槍) 2020-4-1 19:58:52 英超有冇球會要減人工


一串侵侵一鑊金 2020-4-1 20:00:23
RomanAbramovich 2020-4-1 20:29:08 熱刺-20%兩個月
李嘉誠的捐款管道 2020-4-1 20:35:26 答得幾大體
周庭男友 2020-4-1 20:49:19 唔使諗
上野的風 2020-4-1 20:51:38 一陣有得重溫歐霸決賽
送乜豆腐 2020-4-1 21:00:56 https://www.facebook.com/ChelseaFC/videos/861106807647651/?t=2867
PartoftheJourney 2020-4-1 21:05:52 Welcome!
E.Lamela 2020-4-1 21:14:25 不離不棄新特蘭 第二季 討論區
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
Hanako 2020-4-1 21:15:04
F.Andone 2020-4-1 21:26:47 呢排熱狗有咩可以重溫


寶福山雅治🎸 2020-4-1 22:13:11 史高拉利:被杜奧巴踢落「車」

【Now Sports】前車路士領隊史高拉利表示,他沒能讓隊中的杜奧巴及安歷卡一起上陣,是自己的最大錯誤。
巴西教頭史高拉利(Luiz Felipe Scolari)於2008年夏天上任車路士領隊,不過於2009年2月便被解雇。近日史高拉利接受訪問時,便談起當年車路士的往事。 「車路士有些傷病問題,隊中有些其他問題。而我的領導球隊是和一兩個球員有衝突,便是杜奧巴及安歷卡。」史高拉利便指出自己和隊中的醫療團體就杜奧巴的膝傷意見不合:「我們的醫療團體認為球隊應該讓手術後的杜奧巴於康城養傷,我便認為他要留在倫敦。我當然想在仲夏去康城,我會在那呆一個月、兩個月,玩得很開心。」 「當杜奧巴回來,我便嘗試讓他和安歷卡一起上陣,當時後者是聯賽的頭號射手。當我和安歷卡會議時,他說只會踢一個位置。所以,這有一點缺乏尊重,我沒有試圖將兩人放在一起。他們都很出色,但是有人不得不做些不同的事,在我們失去控球時回防。」
Hanako 2020-4-1 22:27:08 有了
車仔車仔只靠佐仔 2020-4-1 22:55:05 呢年歐霸最神奇係 MVP唔係豬蛇
豬油巴 2020-4-1 23:11:25 miss
扑the標打 2020-4-1 23:19:51 https://youtu.be/Q_OeamJtVuU
M.Mount(上位) 2020-4-2 00:38:37
N.Anelka 2020-4-2 00:39:48 此回覆已被刪除
小麥依治躝 2020-4-2 00:53:01
一串侵侵一鑊金 2020-4-2 01:28:24 Cls mount pulisic 排骨仔
柔道龍虎榜 2020-4-2 01:54:06

Callum Hudson-Odoi has given his first media interview since recovering from COVID-19. In the exclusive chat, the Chelsea winger discusses the whole experience from his perspective and how he’s kept in touch with his team-mates.

The England international tested positive for the virus earlier this month but has since fully recovered and has been working hard on his fitness from home, as have his team-mates, as per government guidelines.

Hudson-Odoi caught up with us via FaceTime earlier this week and revealed how he first realised he might have the coronavirus and how he’s feeling now.

‘I am feeling perfect,’ Callum said with a smile via FaceTime. ‘I had the virus, which has obviously cleared now, and I feel good, I feel fit, perfect really, so I am feeling back to myself and it is all good.

I had the virus three weeks ago now. I think it was on the Monday when I felt a bit hot, and I was thinking "this is a bit unusual, why do I feel this hot?"

Straight after that, the next day, I was feeling back to normal. I thought it was just a minor temperature thing, but obviously it wasn’t. But I said to myself that it wasn’t actually that bad, the symptoms, and I said to myself I feel good, I feel better.'

Hudson-Odoi, as someone who has been following medical direction, emphasises the Stay Home, Save Lives message for self-isolation by highlighting the need to be careful and his wish that everyone does stay safe and well.

‘Everything is happening so fast and I did not know this virus would be such a major thing [when testing positive] at the time.

'It is so big in the world and affect so many people. Everyone has to be careful and judge things on how they go. Hopefully the virus will go soon and everyone will be back to normal.’


衣狗還鄉 2020-4-2 02:06:54 果場motm 柒頭安個柒頭
衣狗還鄉 2020-4-2 02:08:49 要cut cost 既話 就先炒撚左呢條冇貢獻既垃圾
山雨欲來風滿樓 2020-4-2 03:17:20 如果冇理解錯 熱狗係賤到將政府出果8成人工當左佢地出 所以明明係停薪 就當只係cut兩成 真係由上而下都係咁仆街
FrankLampard_BB 2020-4-2 07:00:15 蟈屍日日都中風