LIHKG 武漢肺炎完左之後個世界會變成點?
牙痛不是病 2020-3-27 14:12:45 各國起多d末日避難所


Oedipus 2020-3-27 14:17:12 都唔係俾你同我住啦
牙痛不是病 2020-3-27 14:29:36 日本好似都朝人會整架,for平民
三玖寶寶 2020-3-27 14:30:50 我覺得直到解藥研究到為止都唔會完
唔開 2020-3-27 14:32:02 冇人講過抗體係永久同一定有抗體
Oedipus 2020-3-27 14:32:13 咁有趣!? 我做吓research先
奧瑪 2020-3-27 14:33:05 拜台上台,中共一統全球
Beerus 2020-3-27 14:33:22 中國唔再係世界工廠
牙痛不是病 2020-3-27 14:40:46 前提你要有個後花園
Bugaboo 2020-3-27 15:01:57 你太樂觀啦
鳩up王 2020-3-27 15:08:06




丹素華盛頓 2020-3-27 15:13:28 所謂既消費咪又係搾取窮人勞動力既手段

iphone 一年出一代,等你篤下手機減下壓唔會作反, 順手chur走你半個月人工

不過到真係工業自動化, 窮人勞動力已經無價值
呢個社會仲洗乜靠" 消費"黎運行?
面具男 2020-3-27 15:13:32 全球排華,你去邊見你黃種人就當你中國人嚟屌
今天只有柴油驅殻 2020-3-27 15:13:48 唔會完
Oedipus 2020-3-27 15:19:50 好大可能有抗體 當年SARS抗體維持到8-10年
係有好多未知數 但我份人比較樂觀

Can You Become Immune to the Coronavirus?
傷風 2020-3-27 15:21:44 此回覆已被刪除
唔講得 2020-3-27 15:23:03 會更依賴中國既人口紅利去復甦經濟
Oedipus 2020-3-27 15:30:57 The Turner Diaries is a 1978 novel by William Luther Pierce, published under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald. The Turner Diaries depicts a violent revolution in the United States which leads to the overthrow of the federal government, a nuclear war, and, ultimately, a race war which leads to the systematic extermination of non-whites. All groups opposed by the novel's protagonist, Earl Turner, including Jews, non-whites, "liberal actors" and politicians, are exterminated.

The Anti-Defamation League identified The Turner Diaries as "probably the most widely-read book among far-right extremists; many [of them] have cited it as the inspiration behind their terrorist organizing and activities."

極右喎ching Neo-Nazi嚟嘅 你講笑咋吓嘩
迷惑浪人 2020-3-27 16:00:06 Pls twitter the fact of Biden’s pro-Communist
尼泊爾自動人形 2020-3-27 16:01:12 此回覆已被刪除
沒事兒~ 2020-3-28 01:25:48 但排華既話,d人仲會移民咩?


連狗連豬 2020-3-28 01:47:03 中國有的是人,移下移下分分鐘排返班鬼佬轉頭
這樣已是很足夠 2020-3-28 02:48:27 此回覆已被刪除
沙治·羅拔圖 2020-3-28 03:06:55 就算係Spanish Flu嗰陣都唔係冚球剷
林奠月我 2020-3-28 03:08:48 我覺得會變成風土病,未必會完