[#Mon#Monitor] 電腦螢幕集中討論#40
卓家傑 2020-3-28 18:41:47



廿凜 2020-3-28 18:49:02 U2720Q
重視HDR就X27/PG27UQ (優先考慮X27)
SS不動明王 2020-3-28 18:52:10
廿凜 2020-3-28 18:53:59 主要是full range VRR同variable overdrive
廿凜 2020-3-28 18:56:54 我覺得一般人唔係咁易分到
Movethefuckon 2020-3-28 18:57:50 黎緊砌部機想換埋mon
主要玩fps game budget 三千令蚊
SS不動明王 2020-3-28 19:03:00 睇過外國forum有pg279q用家轉用xg279q後有以下嘅comment

I'm the perfect person to answer your question because I got my Asus XG279Q about a week ago and I got it as an upgrade from my PG279Q (the PG279Q is basically identical to the VG27AQ).

First, let me say that I love my PG279Q. The picture quality of my PG279Q is simply amazing. Whether it's the brightness, contrast, colors, refresh rate, build quality and aestetics of the monitor, all of the boxes are checked and get an A+....except for one thing. That one thing is the response time.

The response time of the PG279Q is actually pretty good, comparatively speaking, but it's not quite good enough for me. I only noticed the blurring when I was really really looking for it, particularly only in competitive fist person shooters. But the slower response time was noticeable.

The 1ms advertised response time on the XG279Q was the main selling point for me because I loved everything about my PG279Q except for the slightly slower response time. Well, the XG279Q hits it out of the park because it plays and feels like a TN panel in terms of the responsiveness but maintains the amazing picture quality of my PG279Q.

And I didn't think it would be possible but the picture quality on my new XG279Q actually surpasses that of my PG279Q. The colors are richer and the contrast has improved too, in my opinion.

Hopefully this helps. I think that the XG279Q is about to become one of the most popular and highly rated monitors on the market once more people get their hands on it

張震嶽 2020-3-28 19:12:30 姐聽食屎?
廿凜 2020-3-28 19:13:07 暫時未搵到外國review
1ms係開盡OD壓出黎 但會有鬼影
1ms講緊minimum 平均3.05ms
建議關閉OD 但平均上到6.36ms
做乜尻啊你 2020-3-28 19:14:20 到時留意下
Z. 2020-3-28 19:17:48 關OD 有delay 咁款 點用

開盡OD 我又唔太覺鬼影好嚴重


廿凜 2020-3-28 19:19:23 你用過XG279Q?
Z. 2020-3-28 19:34:54 唔係 我指宜家個27uq

27uq 開滿OD 係幾多ms ? 我只知唔開OD 144fps 好似60fps咁
廿凜 2020-3-28 19:36:55 隻隻MON表現唔同啦

Z. 2020-3-28 19:39:38 出面有無demo 撚下
傑斯仔 2020-3-28 19:41:51 8k + 144 hz你肯定技術上冇問題?
淨係display card 都未有hdmi 2.1 /display port 2.0
廿凜 2020-3-28 19:56:39 21:9 當你34吋
8k都做唔到 3xx ppi
SS不動明王 2020-3-28 19:58:58 8k起碼要65"
廿凜 2020-3-28 20:04:51 如果依照apple retina mon 218ppi標準
狗性易發 2020-3-28 20:09:23 GPU果邊AMD就唔爭氣做唔出卡王
廿凜 2020-3-28 20:31:00 中階卡先係最賺錢


現代羅密歐 2020-3-28 22:15:14 4k 都冇?
現代羅密歐 2020-3-28 22:15:25 4k 都冇?
現代羅密歐 2020-3-28 22:20:00 因為我都搵過下,就算唔要4k都冇咁嘅產品:
1. 21:9
2. above 120Hz
3. P3
5. Thunderbolt3俾電同連mac
廿凜 2020-3-28 22:21:21 34WK95U