[#Mon#Monitor] 電腦螢幕集中討論#40
理德李 2020-4-4 00:34:47 以我理解PWM開到最光都可以唔閃架, 問題係調低光度後閃唔閃
所以rting叫你開100% brightness


眾裏尋她 2020-4-4 00:46:04 咁會好光

眾裏尋她 2020-4-4 00:46:57 其實佢做咗咩黎
新形冠狀龜頭 2020-4-4 00:53:07 應該手多撕開咗塊偏光版

新形冠狀龜頭 2020-4-4 00:53:19
廿凜 2020-4-4 01:02:04 除非TUV用100%亮度黎測囉
眾裏尋她 2020-4-4 01:03:00 偏光板會突起嘅咩
廿凜 2020-4-4 01:13:13 用家測試
Just bought it and it’s 100% flicker-free as advertised. Manufactured on November 2019.

I haven’t noticed any flickering at all (I am very sensitive to it), so I did a simple test:

Prepare black screen with 1px wide vertical line in the middle. Set camera (RX100 v1) to manual mode (iso 200, F2.5, manual focus) with exposure 1/25. Quickly drag camera horizontally and shoot while dragging.

Flickering is clearly present on my cheap Samsung 2253LW: https://ibb.co/2PkzLFX

On U3219Q gray rectangle is perfectly even so light has the same intensity throughout the shot (brightness at 30%): https://ibb.co/J3bYQmn

If your statement would be correct in 1/25 of a second, at 200 hz there should be exactly 8 brighter and darker vertical areas evenly distributed over gray rectangle.

眾裏尋她 2020-4-4 01:25:15 如果照佢咁講應該就唔閃

唔知DELL有無免息分期呢 呢期好手緊
落街買撈 2020-4-4 01:56:45 咁多位大佬
小弟今日買左asus vg27bq
咁我就想開gsync啦,但係發現整極nvidia control panel 都係冇enable gsync俾我揀
睇左上網個啲方法試過哂都唔得 DDU啊之類個啲
有人話要10series 啲顯示卡先有gsync
但我check過titan x (maxwell) 都support gsync的
到底個問題出左係邊 線我用跟mon送個條dp線
派路 2020-4-4 02:09:38 香港係唔係冇得買HP Omen X 27


狗性易發 2020-4-4 02:32:24 Maxwell卡只support原生G-sync (如PG279Q)
唔support而家隻G-Sync Compatible
SS不動明王 2020-4-4 03:07:11 啱啦 係時候換20series啦
金小胖唐老鴨 2020-4-4 03:46:05 黎緊ps5係咪support到4k120hz
SS不動明王 2020-4-4 03:50:45 ff tooooooooo much
金小胖唐老鴨 2020-4-4 03:54:45 咁唔使特登換4k144嚕
Z. 2020-4-4 05:06:39 Ps5推到 4k 60 都執到啦仲想144
落街買撈 2020-4-4 05:24:53 20series 出左咁耐,係都等30series
但係我想講其實我而家titan x sli 2k 其實都叫"夠玩"
狗性易發 2020-4-4 05:37:43 兩張Titan都只係玩1440p
落街買撈 2020-4-4 05:49:12 maxwell黎。。兩張卡成五年前

傑斯仔 2020-4-4 06:05:37 時間差好遠喎
當佢兩年後ps5出gta6 (其實都冇乜可能咁快),過一年出pc 版,最快都三年後,到時應該唔會仲係30series 掛


本宮邪 2020-4-4 08:16:26 想換隻新MON依家係VG27AQ同AD27QD簡緊原來8BIT同10BIT差得遠唔遠
盜夢者 2020-4-4 10:26:27 VG27AQ vs FI27QP
打機 coding 睇netflix
大家俾的意見 thanks!
SS不動明王 2020-4-4 11:25:48 咁你可能要等到年底
m.pho 2020-4-4 12:06:57 4k mon better