[早2年禁酒咪唔會有人醉酒上黎叫大家睇佢堅持幾耐囉] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (337)
黑色門 2020-4-19 21:00:31 但佢返到華西都係做cilessen後備


想旅行 2020-4-19 21:02:43 💣 Lyon wants Eric Abidal to become their technical secretary replacing Florian Maurice. Lyon sports director Juninho Pernambucano wants Abidal to be his right hand man with the aim of recovering their prestige in Ligue 1 [rmc sport]
想旅行 2020-4-19 21:03:23 ☎ — PSG will offer Neymar a new contract until 2025 with wages of €38m a year. [@NicoSchira]
想旅行 2020-4-19 21:03:57 📰 — Luis Suarez is ready to return to play when the team returns to train and play games. [sport]
想旅行 2020-4-19 21:04:24 Arthur Melo: "Inter Milan interest? Thank you. It's an honour for me that they're interested in me, but my stage at Barça has not yet ended." [gds]
Deerhunter😎 2020-4-19 21:04:45 波歷克直頭唔應該喺次回合出場添
拉傑迪(就賣) 2020-4-19 21:04:50 支持永續佢做法甲冠軍
想旅行 2020-4-19 21:05:46 — Wayne Rooney: "Messi or Ronaldo? Despite my friendship with Cristiano, I’d go for Messi."
Deerhunter😎 2020-4-19 21:09:47 朗尼唔撚識波
綾瀨遙令奶搖 2020-4-19 21:11:07 好想睇佢同de jong做中場大佬
Deerhunter😎 2020-4-19 21:11:28 可能cillessen又想走呢


醉酒(右閘)._. 2020-4-19 21:25:38 返嚟巴做一年後備,再下一年返華西
想旅行 2020-4-19 21:27:25 cilessen勁過neto啦又冇咁易傷
天才小釣手 2020-4-19 21:37:22 cillessen:華西爆武肺+而家完季嘅話下季冇歐聯踢 回家了
Deerhunter😎 2020-4-19 21:38:15 一係送cillessen返積土
綾瀨遙令奶搖 2020-4-19 21:41:26 Onana肯做後備咩
天使麵 2020-4-19 21:51:49 新仔踢得兩場又賣得
旗木卡卡西 2020-4-19 22:42:41 各位 快啲恭喜我有女朋友
拉傑迪(就賣) 2020-4-19 22:58:29 一定係朗尼妒忌我朗
醉酒(右閘)._. 2020-4-19 23:01:31 交配季節
旗木卡卡西 2020-4-19 23:06:25


Deerhunter😎 2020-4-19 23:10:04 女朋友G唔G你玩死隻雀?
新垣結衣係我老婆 2020-4-19 23:12:42 真咩
旗木卡卡西 2020-4-19 23:13:04 知 有份食
旗木卡卡西 2020-4-19 23:13:32 咁你老婆呢?出去做雞養你包二奶?