[早2年禁酒咪唔會有人醉酒上黎叫大家睇佢堅持幾耐囉] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (337)
想旅行 2020-4-17 03:53:24 The club have decided to focus on the signing of Martínez and the renewal of Messi and Ter Stegen. Money for Neymar is simply unattainable right now. [cat radio]


想旅行 2020-4-17 03:53:41 Semedo is open to listen to offers to leave Barça. Semedo has stopped the negotiation for contract renewal with Barça because he is studying to change the club. Semedo does not see as a the starter in Barça and believes that Barça will hear offers for him as per @ffpolo @gbsans
想旅行 2020-4-17 03:54:07 — Bartomeu told his board that he would not resign and that his resignation, would be the worst thing right now for Barça during the crisis. There were 10 members in favour of holding early elections in June. [md]
想旅行 2020-4-17 03:55:40 如果放到丹同古
丹成日傷 冇快馬踢邊
綾瀨遙令奶搖 2020-4-17 03:56:50 屌咩

走咗搵邊個頂佢 唔通真係用返羅白
Messi_10 2020-4-17 07:16:09 講到尼馬唔傷咁
年年歐聯大賽都冇佢份踢 冇睇法甲都睇下歐聯掛

冇未來殘哂既屁馬 根本冇隊會想要億8買
S_Roberto 2020-4-17 08:14:47 📰Barça rules out the signing of Neymar from PSG this summer. This is due to the economic consequences of COVID-19. [Cat radio]

▪The board has decided to concentrate on contract renewals of Messia and Ter Stegen and bringing Lautaro to the club. Money to sign Neymar is simply unattainable.[Cat radio]
上條當麻 2020-4-17 08:18:47 簽尼馬依D咁狗閪既野都講得出
華維迪 2020-4-17 08:48:59 簽到馬天尼斯係咪即係基斯文會走??
吳海昕Sofiee 2020-4-17 09:46:26 此回覆已被刪除
小李阿爸 2020-4-17 09:54:31 此回覆已被刪除


De_Jong_21 2020-4-17 10:00:56 此回覆已被刪除
De_Jong_21 2020-4-17 10:09:19 此回覆已被刪除
想旅行 2020-4-17 11:06:26 Neymar or Lautaro?

🗣️ — Setién: "For my team, both."
想旅行 2020-4-17 11:07:13 Dembélé, Umtiti or Todibo could enter the operation to join PSG [md]
Deerhunter😎 2020-4-17 11:13:19 喺呢個年頭
想旅行 2020-4-17 12:39:24 📻 [Más Que Pelotas🥇] | Quique Setién wants to give Oriol Busquets a chance as he believes that there is no other player with a similar profile to his in the squad
天才小釣手 2020-4-17 12:41:50 迷布迷埋細個件
黑色門 2020-4-17 12:44:59 其實點解你地咁鍾意杯面

吳海昕Sofiee 2020-4-17 12:59:59 此回覆已被刪除
吳海昕Sofiee 2020-4-17 13:00:39 此回覆已被刪除


醉酒(右閘)._. 2020-4-17 13:33:34 又針對
耿鬼 2020-4-17 14:17:20 西班牙足總:聯賽前四名獲下屆歐聯資格

#兩岸國際 由於西班牙新冠病毒疫情反覆,西班牙足總表示,假如西甲逼不得已提前結束,目前前四名球隊將會直接獲得下屆歐聯參賽資格。 (4/17/13:12) 全文



咲庵 2020-4-17 14:32:48 此回覆已被刪除
耿鬼 2020-4-17 15:14:35 牙朗下年冇得親腳踢走馬體