[早2年禁酒咪唔會有人醉酒上黎叫大家睇佢堅持幾耐囉] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (337)
醉酒(右閘)._. 2020-4-9 21:36:38 吃咗豆


絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-4-9 22:59:16 餵左醉右食野
旗木卡卡西 2020-4-10 00:40:38 我唔記得倒狗糧俾佢...
上條當麻 2020-4-10 00:47:57 無錢食
NeymarJr(返巴塞) 2020-4-10 05:24:45 無波睇之後好耐無入過黎
醉酒(右閘)._. 2020-4-10 05:36:10 咁夜唔瞓
NeymarJr(返巴塞) 2020-4-10 05:37:08 習慣左天光先訓
新垣結衣係我老婆 2020-4-10 13:26:06
Deerhunter😎 2020-4-10 14:13:28 個個都畢兜糧比佢咪食到佢好撚肥
H_Lozano 2020-4-10 15:10:25 此回覆已被刪除
醉酒(右閘)._. 2020-4-10 15:15:28 咪爆啦羅哥哥


吳海昕Sofiee 2020-4-10 15:27:04 此回覆已被刪除
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-4-10 16:44:09
想旅行 2020-4-10 17:06:34 Emili Rousaud: "There are three more board members who hesitate to continue or also resign." [rac1]
已經比大雄逼走左6個 可能再多3個

segura robert 果D
絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-4-10 17:06:48
旗木卡卡西 2020-4-10 17:42:12
想旅行 2020-4-10 17:43:49 ❗️Rousaud (board member who resigned yesterday): “I think someone is robbing the club. We paid 1 million euros for a work that has a cost of 100,000€... Who was it? I don't know who it was, but you can imagine...”
想旅行 2020-4-10 17:44:24

絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-4-10 17:47:37
吳海昕Sofiee 2020-4-10 18:01:53 此回覆已被刪除
想旅行 2020-4-10 20:46:30 — Mundo Deportivo's original cover for today, that featured the news of the 6 board members resigning, was deleted. It was replaced by a new cover based on potential signings, after Rousaud (ex board) claimed someone in the board was stealing money from the club.




想旅行 2020-4-10 20:47:17 📰 — Inter Milan and Juventus are interested in Ousmane Dembélé. [md]
拉傑迪(就賣) 2020-4-10 21:28:18 膠層大地震
上條當麻 2020-4-10 21:37:29 今年會唔會有人講 大雄並唔係一條19?
Deerhunter😎 2020-4-10 21:53:22 佢梗係唔濕鳩啦