[早2年禁酒咪唔會有人醉酒上黎叫大家睇佢堅持幾耐囉] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (337)
絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-3-25 17:29:02 依家連講野都唔畀了


拉傑迪(就賣) 2020-3-25 17:35:08 好惡
耿鬼 2020-3-25 17:36:38 sau sang la
阿輝(後生) 2020-3-25 18:33:11 算啦你地,讓吓中坑
想旅行 2020-3-25 19:44:17 MD ¦ Messi donated €1 million to a hospital clinic in Barcelona. Also, Pep Guardiola donated €1 million to Angel Soler Daniel Foundation.
想旅行 2020-3-25 19:44:46 Sevilla are skeptical over a possible Rakitić return due to the high cost of the transfer. [md]
想旅行 2020-3-25 19:46:30 Alcantara brothers (Thiago and Rafinha) join Hospital Clínic in the fight against the coronavirus as per @martinezferran
想旅行 2020-3-25 19:47:21 [MARCA] | Barcelona offer their facilities to the Catalan government to help in the fight against the Coronavirus.

The club have offered their facilities to the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Catalan regional government.
想旅行 2020-3-25 19:48:16 Inter Milan believe they will keep Lautaro Martínez because they believe with the economic consequences of the pandemic, no club will pay the 111M euros (via @filotramo)
想旅行 2020-3-25 19:48:35 [AS] | FC Barcelona will reduce by 70% the salaries of its players in all departments and categories from March 14 until the end of the Coronavirus crisis.
小昭(明教教主) 2020-3-25 20:17:37


小昭(明教教主) 2020-3-25 20:18:26 nice
咲庵 2020-3-25 20:41:40 此回覆已被刪除
想旅行 2020-3-25 22:15:07 The club has asked the professional players to reduce their wages: a reduction of 70% was suggested. It's not accepted by the first team. [cadena ser]
廖氐如神 2020-3-25 22:16:04 球星都要放no pay
Durandal 2020-3-26 02:18:16 球星都要拎失業救濟金
想旅行 2020-3-26 06:42:23 📰 — The Barça players have agreed to reduce their Wage by 30%. It is the maximum they are willing to reduce their salries by. [rac1]
SiuFa(KFC執盤師) 2020-3-26 12:26:16 此回覆已被刪除
Deerhunter😎 2020-3-26 13:25:45 LM
吳海昕Sofiee 2020-3-26 13:29:10 此回覆已被刪除
想旅行 2020-3-26 13:56:26 There’s an agreement between La Liga and player’s associations. If no games were to played, players agree to have 10% reduction to their salary. If La Liga does return however, players agree to play every 48 hours and earn 15%-20% more of their salary. [cope]


耿鬼 2020-3-26 14:47:14 高汁po頭邊有得輸
鳩比 2020-3-26 14:57:53 此回覆已被刪除
絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-3-26 15:44:23 樓豬已經回塘
想旅行 2020-3-26 20:18:00 📰[La Vanguardia via Sport] | First coronvirus cases at Barcelona

🔷 Barcelona’s head of medical services, Ramon Canal, is the first known case of coronavirus at the club.

The medic of the handball team Josep Antoni Gutierrez is also affected by the virus. Both are in hospital to treat the effects of the virus.

Barcelona players are safe quarantined at home like the rest of the population for the quarantine extended to four weeks.