[早2年禁酒咪唔會有人醉酒上黎叫大家睇佢堅持幾耐囉] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (337)
Mayuko 2020-4-4 20:19:02 此回覆已被刪除


旗木卡卡西 2020-4-4 20:50:37 笑撚死 撚鳩傻鳩耿鬼
絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-4-4 21:20:34 你都係傻鳩
你點知的 2020-4-4 22:32:58
耿鬼 2020-4-4 22:38:17 重等緊佢出黎驗IQ
旗木卡卡西 2020-4-4 22:46:26 唔好周圍吠
S_Roberto 2020-4-4 23:47:51 點解係副主席中唔係大雄中
S_Roberto 2020-4-5 01:59:13 In the famous 5-0 win against Real Madrid, CR7 pushed Guardiola which led to a fight. Ronaldo said to Pedro: "Who are you?" and Pedro replied: "I'm a world champion. And you?" [Marca]

S_Roberto 2020-4-5 02:16:07 ‼️FC Barcelona has offered to pay the wages of Espanyol's non-playing staff as a gesture of friendship and togetherness between the two clubs.


This is a very generous gesture from the club

想旅行 2020-4-5 02:23:26 好撚似中共
成日充大頭鬼 自己都未撚搞掂
熱巴69 2020-4-5 02:34:09 下佢地唔係不嬲對立嘅咩



小昭(明教教主) 2020-4-5 02:35:01 好撚正
鳩比 2020-4-5 03:21:37 此回覆已被刪除
小昭(明教教主) 2020-4-5 04:08:11 中轉英開po啦
吳海昕Sofiee 2020-4-5 04:34:17 此回覆已被刪除
XBOX神 2020-4-5 04:36:52 此回覆已被刪除
唔抽北愛暴動 2020-4-5 05:05:19 幾時再整deerhunter含撚圖

XBOX神 2020-4-5 05:18:56 此回覆已被刪除
耿鬼 2020-4-5 12:17:43 得閒幫天氣傻鳩整張含波台撚圖ok?
想旅行 2020-4-5 13:18:17 Napoli President Aurelio de Laurentiis is ready to drop Fabián Ruiz' price from 80 million euros to 60 million euros due to coronavirus. Barcelona and Real Madrid are very attentive to the 24-year-old. [gds via md]
拉傑迪(就賣) 2020-4-5 13:25:25 有冇林鄭含撚圖?


拉傑迪(就賣) 2020-4-5 13:26:14 但佢踢RCM好掂,仲要我地呢個位無人踢得好
小昭(明教教主) 2020-4-5 13:30:47 翻到黎有肺炎就gg
S_Roberto 2020-4-5 13:47:57 原來Jovic無視隔離令
問學人 2020-4-5 14:37:00
ching 咁撚重口