[早2年禁酒咪唔會有人醉酒上黎叫大家睇佢堅持幾耐囉] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (337)
絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-3-30 16:07:39 神撚最高境界


旗木卡卡西 2020-3-30 17:10:45 邊個同你手足?
James奔 2020-3-30 17:15:33 我係樓主手足

醉酒(右閘)._. 2020-3-30 17:16:08 奔哥都入埋嚟
James奔 2020-3-30 17:18:35 我睇到個topic,本身想入嚟睇下你會點回應
醉酒(右閘)._. 2020-3-30 17:21:48 佢哋班𨶙樣日日25我
James奔 2020-3-30 17:24:11 咁你真係有做過講過

中場大師 2020-3-30 17:26:18 此回覆已被刪除
De_Jong_21 2020-3-30 17:28:42 此回覆已被刪除
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-3-30 17:36:25 Samper
小昭(明教教主) 2020-3-30 18:19:05 villa?


De_Jong_21 2020-3-30 18:19:49 此回覆已被刪除
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-3-30 18:29:52

玻璃軟件 2020-3-30 19:38:18 美斯在個人Instagram表示,他和全體隊友願減薪70%,與巴塞隆拿 共度時艱。
小昭(明教教主) 2020-3-30 19:45:32 反美又豬
醉酒(右閘)._. 2020-3-30 19:46:07 bin緊活著大陸狗啲post
問學人 2020-3-30 19:46:55
小昭(明教教主) 2020-3-30 19:47:57 隨意門?
醉酒(右閘)._. 2020-3-30 19:50:54 C.朗拿度自願放棄400萬歐薪水 全隊降薪幫祖記
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
想旅行 2020-3-30 20:04:53 ❗️Official: Barça players have agreed to lower their wages by 70%, and have also agreed to contribute towards the salaries of club staff to make sure they are paid their full wage.
想旅行 2020-3-30 20:05:29 神户應該冇練波一排啦掛


想旅行 2020-3-30 20:08:08 Real Madrid have no pressing need to reduce their wage bill in the coming months due to the economic strength of the club, wages equate to 50% of Real's income, while Barcelona's ratio is closer to 80%. [@Marca]
大雄同偑狗兩個都做生意 差咁撚遠
想旅行 2020-3-30 20:08:43 Ansu Fati doesn't waste his time now he's in quarantine. The 17-year-old strictly follows the physical instructions set by the club, with work on the treadmill, a bike and a ball in his garden. He also studies his movement and shortcomings in games he participated in. [md]
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-3-30 20:27:45
吳海昕Sofiee 2020-3-30 21:38:22 此回覆已被刪除