Octopus on Apple Pay 等候區 (15)
嗚嗚 2020-3-26 21:15:05


空條承太郎 2020-3-26 21:15:56 應該係有新機
話咁易 2020-3-26 21:18:03 叫佢去死啦
啟翔狗飯 2020-3-26 21:18:10 5.6.5係唔係呢排WFH所以三個禮拜都冇
真·方丈 2020-3-26 21:31:00
真·方丈 2020-3-26 21:32:12 Various enhancements and fixes
真·方丈 2020-3-26 21:36:14 No news is big news???
香港光頭警長 2020-3-26 21:41:52 此回覆已被刪除
泠淨 2020-3-26 21:54:19 唔信,有八仔唔驚
呻吟待射 2020-3-26 22:05:46 The project has been terminated, as the performance of Octopus on Apply Pay cannot meet the strict requirements of Apple Inc.

八支八支半 2020-3-26 22:08:39


真·方丈 2020-3-26 22:09:53 Apple will assign Jason Tjong to connect Lihkg’s brother to develop the brand new Transit Card on Apple Pay based on the infrastructure of Apple Cash.
真·方丈 2020-3-26 22:11:47
八支八支半 2020-3-26 22:19:36 今次好睇了
濕鳩jason 定 濕鳩果男呢
行者 2020-3-26 22:26:40 似係SE 2
之前話推遲到4月先出貨 依家發布都唔算太早
而SE 2一大亮點係支援Express Transit
kamui 2020-3-26 22:33:14 唔會
Adrian#23792 2020-3-26 22:35:18 Big Apple news incoming … I’m just not sure what it is.

泠淨 2020-3-26 22:41:05 打少啲飛機


行者 2020-3-26 22:41:51
話咁易 2020-3-26 22:45:59 等得apple pay既
無咩人會care ip9相信
Colacoca 2020-3-26 22:46:57 此回覆已被刪除


Colacoca 2020-3-26 22:47:11 此回覆已被刪除
泠淨 2020-3-26 22:53:11 我會,唔想用m額,又想用apple transit

呻吟待射 2020-3-26 22:59:21 Apple acquired Samsung for $400 Billion
呻吟待射 2020-3-26 23:04:22 https://9to5mac.com/2020/03/26/apple_acquired_samsung/