wtfcfw1030 2020-3-30 22:56:45 真係生命之水咩屌


法蘭西檸七 2020-3-30 22:57:12 全歐洲得白俄羅斯仲踢緊聯賽
wtfcfw1030 2020-3-30 22:57:15 鬥人多
Fourshine店長 2020-3-30 22:57:56 酒精可以消毒
人生可否重來 2020-3-30 23:03:08
E•MO•TION 2020-3-30 23:04:42 Brazilian President Bolsonaro, who has been against quarantine measures for the Coronavirus, tells Brazilians to confront the new Coronavirus "like a man, not a boy".

順帶一提巴西嘅health minister之前喺記者會批評呢條友應對疫情嘅做法,跟住呢條友威脅話要炒咗個health minister
Oedipus 2020-3-30 23:07:24 Get Used to It: This Lockdown Won’t Be the Last

呢篇野揾左梁卓偉做訪問 講吓香港同支共(俾位佢奶共

見到唔對路就加強 好似無乜事就放鬆 (e.g. 取消wfh
“You would need to keep on these control measures to varying degrees until one of two things happen: One, is there is natural immunity by active infection and recovery, or there is sufficiently wide availability of an effective vaccine administered to at least half the population, to create the same effective herd immunity. These are the only two ways of going about it.” Leung added that we’ll go through “several cycles” of tightenings and easings “before we will have resolution.”


Leung was alerted to the new coronavirus by contacts in mainland China on December 31


Since he became involved in the response, Leung said his experience working with Chinese counterparts has been positive. During the WHO trip, Chinese officials were “very open, very transparent, a whole of government approach,” he told me. “Wherever we went, we were asking difficult questions and we were asking for the data, to look at the data and to discuss with their scientists, and they've been nothing but forthcoming.”

“China bought the rest of the world time,” Leung said.

活著只因幸運 2020-3-30 23:07:28 此回覆已被刪除
Oedipus 2020-3-30 23:08:19 齊齊升仙
陳生你貴姓呀? 2020-3-30 23:09:45 而家都好多中年人口罩遮唔到個鼻
wtfcfw1030 2020-3-30 23:13:03 嗰啲真係麻煩佢還返個罩出黎比人戴算


我係張志明 2020-3-30 23:15:55 記住天佑新加坡
wtfcfw1030 2020-3-30 23:16:16 支衛班傻鳩而家日日都開press con?
陳生你貴姓呀? 2020-3-30 23:19:10 真,個鼻遮唔到,隔離打個乞痴都吸哂d病毒
懷疑人 2020-3-30 23:19:47 應該又係遇到熱狗/陳雲果班信徒
燉炳強武漢茶 2020-3-30 23:32:56
Klopp_lfc 2020-3-30 23:34:59 Twitter戰線好多印度盟軍
春袋了無痕 2020-3-30 23:35:39 唔知點解,近一兩個星期香港網絡多左"販賣恐懼"呢句說話流傳,用黎串人小題大做,d人都唔知乜心態!
吉利蛋汽車 2020-3-30 23:38:05 巴西人民鐘意博生講野夠真
月出康城 2020-3-30 23:38:56 英國+2619 confirmed 124 death, Total: 22141 confirmed 1408 death
春袋了無痕 2020-3-30 23:39:03 果班真係垃撚圾,成班精神患者!


吉利蛋汽車 2020-3-30 23:39:27 呢排少左
wtfcfw1030 2020-3-30 23:40:30 呢啲更加不知所謂
原由柏実 2020-3-30 23:40:39 意大利 最新數字

Italia 101.739 (+4.050), 11.591 (+812)

wtfcfw1030 2020-3-30 23:40:57 自從上一屆選唔到立法會之後就成個怨婦咁,唔知做乜