卡域膠 2020-3-30 13:53:30 高溫只係令病毒係環境存活冇咁耐啫


的士狗 2020-3-30 13:58:19 此回覆已被刪除
福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 14:01:49 巴基斯坦+28 Confirmed,Total:1625,+1 death,Total:18
福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 14:08:54 奧地利+25 Confirmed,Total:8813
黑山+6 Confirmed,Total:91
福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 14:12:39 台灣+8 Confirmed,Total:306,+2 deaths,Total:5
福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 14:14:12 1 本土(密切接觸者)
冷氣軍師2.0 2020-3-30 14:20:54 此回覆已被刪除
福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 14:28:47 意粉+151 Confirmed,Total:97840,+10 deaths,Total:10789
芬蘭+4 Confirmed,Total:1244
保加利亞+8 Confirmed,Total:354
泰國+2 deaths,Total:9
懷疑人 2020-3-30 14:30:07 意粉咁早報?
KFCCoffee 2020-3-30 14:30:21 紐西蘭總理傑辛達·阿爾登(Jacinda Ardern)日前在臉書專頁分享口罩的製作過程,意外曝光機器是來自台灣鶯歌的權和機械,廠長高大偉說,去年1月出口給紐西蘭的客戶,因疫情關係客戶還有再加訂,但一切以台灣為優先。


福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 14:30:48 而家好似分區報


Casemiro14 2020-3-30 14:34:01

福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 14:34:17 德國+71 Confirmed,Total:63221,+2 deaths,Total:546
捷克+12 Confirmed,Total:2829
印度+20 Confirmed,Total:1173
波斯尼亞+13 Confirmed,Total:340
哈薩克+9 Confirmed,Total:293
肥_仔 2020-3-30 14:34:39 正好說明點解chinazi咁驚台灣
活著只因幸運 2020-3-30 14:37:30 此回覆已被刪除
撚狗俠 2020-3-30 14:39:19 睇數字 好似回落哂
Casemiro14 2020-3-30 14:40:01 而家係台灣提升國際地位最好時機
福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 14:41:01 格魯吉亞+6 Confirmed,Total:97
福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 14:47:40 美國+26 Confirmed,Total:143101
立陶宛+24 Confirmed,Total:484
福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 15:02:13 挪威+21 Confirmed,Total:4305
波蘭+43 Confirmed,Total:1905,+4 deaths,Total:26
芬蘭+21 Confirmed,Total:1265
孟加拉+1 Confirmed,Total:49
福斯的背叛 2020-3-30 15:05:47 奧地利+54 Confirmed,Total:8867


基爾禾 2020-3-30 15:06:51 Doctors in Italy have finally began widely prescribing hydroxychloroquine in certain combinations in Rome and the wider region of Lazio with a population of around six million.

According to Corriere della Sera, a well known Italian daily newspaper, Dr. Pier Luigi Bartoletti, Deputy National Secretary of the Italian Federation of General Practitioners, explains that every single person with Covid-19 that has early signs, like a cough or a fever for example, is now being treated with the anti-malaria drug.

The drug “is already giving good results,” Bartoletti says while Malaysia reveals they have been using it since the very beginning. Bartoletti further adds that the drug:

“Must be used with all the necessary precautions, it must be evaluated patient by patient. It can have side effects. But those that take it are responding really well.

浴火重生火鳳凰 2020-3-30 15:13:49 對付冇文化/ 冇志向嘅人,一係吃喝玩樂、一係錢,一係靚女,好容易就可以收服佢地
Oedipus 2020-3-30 15:20:08 沈旭暉 - 曾經滄海難為水:Controlocracy,與只有他們想要的新香港
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

借個位擺吓 呢篇野都無人睇嘅
法蘭西檸七 2020-3-30 15:23:41 用咗33個鐘就多100k,係兩個月以來最快紀錄,直到啱啱用咗15個鐘就多咗23k,仲要所有大國都係夜晚先會更新,你同我講回落