黑警死全家X 2020-3-29 20:08:09 此回覆已被刪除


基爾禾 2020-3-29 20:08:18 我只係講數據
歐美 既 重症率 太約係10-15%
姐係要有 1萬宗左右 Active Case 先會打爆負壓床
依家香港既Active Case係500
如果用美國擴散速度 每三日Double , 都未好快玩完

真係唔好自己嚇自己 樂觀面對
Back_Number 2020-3-29 20:08:32 港共賤到
王子托利斯 2020-3-29 20:09:16 Logical
國外Report 都估計歐洲大概復活節前到頂
天坦迪阿堤斯 2020-3-29 20:10:29 我成日提新加坡唔係我崇拜坡狗,

In Singapore, Quarantine Comes With Sea View, Room Service


Chelsie Lee’s room during her quarantine at Shangri-La’s Rasa Sentosa Resort and Spa on Sentosa in Singapore.Photographer: Chelsie Lee

No Choice
Lee said that upon landing in Singapore on Thursday evening, passengers had to fill up forms acknowledging they’ll abide by quarantine rules. The form listed the hotels they will be put up in, but they didn’t get to choose, she said.

“It’s really good to be placed in a hotel as I had a lot of work to do,” Lee said. “But I also didn’t expect the government to place us in a nice hotel.”

Checking in took all of five minutes. The travelers took their luggage from a coach chartered to transport them, queued up a meter apart as per social distancing guidelines, and received room key cards. They were given welcome snacks -- packets of biscuits -- before they were shown to their rooms.

“When they serve the food, the hotel staff will place it outside and ring the door bell,” Lee said. “When I opened the door, they’re not there. I guess they’re not supposed to come into contact with you.”

Family members are allowed to leave things needed by the returnees at the concierge. For Lee, her parents brought her a yoga mat and some snacks.

Constant Monitoring
Those quarantined are not allowed to leave their rooms during the entire 14-day period and can’t use hotel facilities such as the gymnasium or swimming pool, Chin said.

Individuals under quarantine or issued stay-home notices in Singapore are monitored by video calls at least three times a day and officials conduct spot checks at their residences. For non-compliance, individuals face a maximum penalty of S$10,000 fine and six months jail under the Infectious Diseases Act. A Singapore citizen had his passport canceled when he was found to have breached the requirements after returning from overseas.

Chin said the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority sends him text messages multiple times a day that “require you to to click on a link and send your current location.”

While Lee would have preferred to be at home, she was concerned about carrying the virus and passing it to her family members. She’s been “impressed” by how the Singapore government treats its students returning from overseas, adding that friends from Hong Kong and China have had a tough time getting flights or must fork out extra fees to change flight timings.

“My friends said their governments are not really trying very hard to get them back home, but ours did and they put us up in hotels,” she said.

Lee’s biggest concern now: Motivating herself to be productive while staying in a five-star hotel because she has to complete “two essays due by the end of the month.”
福斯的背叛 2020-3-29 20:14:30 Now:政府新聞處一名職員初步確診
通輯大富豪 2020-3-29 20:15:28 此回覆已被刪除
Temuco 2020-3-29 20:21:01 土庫曼=中亞北韓, 有確診未必會公布
法蘭西檸七 2020-3-29 20:22:11 歐洲就算復活節peak,都起碼要6,7月先減退
懷疑人 2020-3-29 20:22:42 機場附近都有幾間酒店, 迪士尼又有幾間
政府有權力, 比足錢點會做唔到
Temuco 2020-3-29 20:22:57


奧比旺 2020-3-29 20:24:40 今次呢場疫症真係令全球露晒底,證明人類喺災難面前係幾咁脆弱....
天坦迪阿堤斯 2020-3-29 20:25:35 唔知關唔關公務員能力事,
我係張志明 2020-3-29 20:28:20 機C
九指連環 2020-3-29 20:28:55

Vietnam +9 cases total: 188
法蘭西檸七 2020-3-29 20:30:43 亞洲清泉
通輯大富豪 2020-3-29 20:30:57 此回覆已被刪除
天坦迪阿堤斯 2020-3-29 20:31:56 最後成唔成功都好,
九指連環 2020-3-29 20:34:18 似唔驗多

人生可否重來 2020-3-29 20:34:39 惡意管治
HBTW 2020-3-29 20:35:21 奧地利+36 Confirmed,Total:8486
畿內亞+8 Confirmed,Total:16
荷蘭+1104 Confirmed,Total:10866, +132 Deaths,Total:771
阿富汗+10 Confirmed,Total:120
克羅地亞+56 Confirmed,Total:713, +1 Death,Total:6
越南+9 Confirmed,Total:188
聖露西亞+1 Confirmed,Total:4
瑞典+253 Confirmed,Total:3700, +5 Deaths,Total:110
捷克+8 Confirmed,Total:2697
波蘭+54 Confirmed,Total:1771, +1 Death,Total:20


人生可否重來 2020-3-29 20:36:10 政府大權力 強行收編酒店做隔離 點會唔得呢
通輯大富豪 2020-3-29 20:36:31 此回覆已被刪除
What7I'vedone 2020-3-29 20:37:04 咁都要問,仲要加埋呢個19 emoji
人生可否重來 2020-3-29 20:37:26 香港人頂住 唔好俾港共得呈整