英倫扮工室(31)時代革命 光復香港
gumtree001 2020-4-7 05:43:36 可以改成估下佢前妻會唔會去探佢


gumtree001 2020-4-7 05:54:44 EMS... cls..

Item tracking history
Date Time Location Tracking event
6/4/2020 21:07 International Hub
Arrived in the UKView an extended tracking event description

23/3/2020 18:46
Delivery Agent -HONG KONG - PTT…+Delivery Agent - HONG KONG - PTT
Despatched to the UK

23/3/2020 17:00
Delivery Agent -HONG KONG - PTT…+Delivery Agent - HONG KONG - PTT
Prepared for despatch to the UK
23/3/2020 14:47
Delivery Agent -HONG KONG…+Delivery Agent - HONG KONG
希魔 2020-4-7 06:24:46
上戸彩 2020-4-7 06:43:36 bj仲未搞完Brexit 都唔好走住
考古(失業) 2020-4-7 06:52:34
jensuispersonne 2020-4-7 09:26:15 此回覆已被刪除
希魔 2020-4-7 14:37:26 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/request-reparation-behalf-hong-kong-people-loss-due-chinese-virus

Request for Reparation on behalf of Hong Kong People for loss due to Chinese Virus
gumtree001 2020-4-7 16:07:12
gumtree001 2020-4-8 05:31:40 RIP
專業按摩師 2020-4-9 03:10:04 Diu yau + 5000 confirmed cases. False hope
雞巴打爸爸(等死) 2020-4-9 07:16:18


友人s 2020-4-9 08:20:50 終於追曬
gumtree001 2020-4-9 16:05:51 有日本人黎緊搞相展同出書,仲唱廣東話榮光
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
gumtree001 2020-4-9 16:09:59 月底希望可以
升降機(Hydra) 2020-4-9 16:38:50 公司話預WFH到八月
乜東東芫茜䓤 2020-4-9 17:04:01 嘩 睇得好淡wo
乜東東芫茜䓤 2020-4-9 17:04:20
gumtree001 2020-4-9 17:04:33 如果好似而家咁lockdown到八月 真係好多公司gg
升降機(Hydra) 2020-4-9 17:05:13 工廠部仲有開
全部都係medical related essentials
升降機(Hydra) 2020-4-9 17:06:01 不過死跟WHO guideline
有口罩提供 "但無証據顯示..............."
乜東東芫茜䓤 2020-4-9 17:14:32 如果六月都未搞掂 起碼死一半公司


友人s 2020-4-9 17:15:06
乜東東芫茜䓤 2020-4-9 17:23:59
友人s 2020-4-9 17:35:14
升降機(Hydra) 2020-4-9 18:38:51