英倫扮工室(31)時代革命 光復香港
升降機(Hydra) 2020-3-31 18:46:53


gumtree001 2020-3-31 19:00:21 The Office for National Statistics is due to release the first publication of the coronavirus death toll to include deaths outside UK hospitals (so in care homes and in the community), giving a more accurate indication of the true number. The bulletin will contain the numbers of deaths involving Covid-19 - specifically, where Covid-19 was mentioned anywhere on the death certificate, including in combination with other health conditions. The death toll as of yesterday was 1,408 and with the inclusion of non-hospital deaths, this could rise significantly.
升降機(Hydra) 2020-3-31 19:27:57 英鎊兌港紙9.58
陳小娟 2020-3-31 19:48:45 幾時會變到好似前排8.9
Alucardo 2020-3-31 19:54:56
jensuispersonne 2020-3-31 20:22:34 此回覆已被刪除
Alucardo 2020-3-31 20:24:57 冇乜所謂,但如果EV 幾年後做到cost parity 都有興趣換
jensuispersonne 2020-3-31 20:25:50 此回覆已被刪除
Alucardo 2020-3-31 20:31:07 當3年賣番比dealer (10% below 2nd hand dealership market price),條數好似差唔多
gumtree001 2020-3-31 21:54:31 有cash一定唔lease
要冇事冇撞冇花三年 其實唔易
原廠dealer 整車保險包唔哂 條數好咁下
我愛英倫洋腸 2020-4-1 15:55:03 Morning everyone


乜東東芫茜䓤 2020-4-1 15:57:36 Wfh會有咁早起身?
𨰻森敪燚㙓 2020-4-1 18:56:50 想問下用tier 5 working holiday搵it工
我愛英倫洋腸 2020-4-1 21:01:31 咁都要扮下野
我愛英倫洋腸 2020-4-1 21:02:22
升降機(Hydra) 2020-4-1 21:13:08 我要每朝準時send email俾manager
jensuispersonne 2020-4-2 00:02:24 此回覆已被刪除
考古(失業) 2020-4-2 00:23:23
專業按摩師 2020-4-2 00:31:04 唔係揼曲嘅有啲難
Gott_ist_tot 2020-4-2 00:34:34 前兩日啲人仲話peak咗
jensuispersonne 2020-4-2 00:36:01 此回覆已被刪除


Gott_ist_tot 2020-4-2 00:42:36 我都估五月中
乜東東芫茜䓤 2020-4-2 00:49:50 我估9月可以正常返工 未比人炒嘅話
𨰻森敪燚㙓 2020-4-2 01:07:01 我係打code架 junior experience
𨰻森敪燚㙓 2020-4-2 01:07:34 寫java多