英倫扮工室(31)時代革命 光復香港
gumtree001 2020-3-22 22:07:37 Visa
Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) visa - Also known as working holiday
If you’re applying this visa using HKSAR passport. You need to be sponsored with an annual quota of 1000.

Tier 2 (General - Working)

For Settlement - Permanent Residence/Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)
Option 1
If you have been living in UK for 10 years and met certain requirements
Option 2
If you have been living and working (under Tier 2) in the UK for 5 years and met certain requirements


Exchange your driving licence

Living Cost
London/Cambridge - Same as Hong Kong
Outside the above metropolitan area, and the rest of the UK - cheaper than Hong Kong

FAQ 1:
I need English C2 level to get a job.
Nope you don't, B2 is doable.

FAQ 2:
A smaller firm is more likely to help with visa issues.
No, not likely at all.

FAQ 3:
Tier 5 switch to Tier 2?
It is possible but not going to be easy. Higher chance when your job is on the shortage list below:

FAQ 4:
Tier 4 to Tier 2?
Preparing it when you are in year 2.

FAQ 5:
Tier 2/4/5 to settlement immediately?
Definitively possible if you are a single girl, or boy?
Levae your tg/ig here with your sexual orientation and a picture. Our 手足 will contact you shortly.


跳跳虎咩咩叫 2020-3-22 22:29:08 Lm
雞巴打爸爸(等死) 2020-3-22 22:29:48 等死
升降機(Hydra) 2020-3-22 23:11:41
乜東東芫茜䓤 2020-3-22 23:14:08
gumtree001 2020-3-22 23:17:21 韓國超市? 個邊咩環境
乜東東芫茜䓤 2020-3-22 23:21:12 Yes 重有一定數量
原來個區有咁多corner shop d野都叫幾足 係冇廁紙
升降機(Hydra) 2020-3-23 00:07:51 我呢邊costco廁紙多L到成座山咁高
jensuispersonne 2020-3-23 00:21:52 此回覆已被刪除
JJ55699 2020-3-23 00:37:24 有斷荷蘭既片係廁紙既warehouse 我夠膽講果度應該可以多到全世界每人一抽
jensuispersonne 2020-3-23 00:40:05 此回覆已被刪除


Alucardo 2020-3-23 00:43:31
升降機(Hydra) 2020-3-23 00:51:49 廁紙當飯食
專業按摩師 2020-3-23 01:50:30 Went to small sainsbury this morning bought loo rolls. They were many
Gott_ist_tot 2020-3-23 01:57:41 睇到reddit有個comment:
when ppl get bored of eating pasta and wiping their arse with tp, they can try eating tp and wiping their arse with pasta
gumtree001 2020-3-23 02:20:20
gumtree001 2020-3-23 02:24:15 Btw 倫敦手足要小心 nhs應該頂唔到幾多日
球王Balotelli 2020-3-23 02:27:31 中左招估計都唔係靠nhs
gumtree001 2020-3-23 02:29:42 仆街收咁撚重稅 啲錢唔知去晒邊
球王Balotelli 2020-3-23 02:43:55 生幾十件嗰啲包頭人
jensuispersonne 2020-3-23 02:45:12 此回覆已被刪除


gumtree001 2020-3-23 02:48:08 baked potato la..
升降機(Hydra) 2020-3-23 02:56:29 Dominos
專業按摩師 2020-3-23 02:58:10 認真問如果真係有咩事係咪111?
jensuispersonne 2020-3-23 03:01:01 此回覆已被刪除