Adidas 波鞋交流區(29)
森田真結子 2020-8-20 11:32:34 想問下知唔知邊到可以補返yeezy d線位



股民一個 2020-8-20 13:21:57 其實佢個底係咪類似生膠底
Letgoman 2020-8-20 17:24:58 訂左對 adidas superstar pure new york
雷霸龍詹姆斯 2020-8-21 13:54:07 350隻新色個成人去左邊?
電梯擺板員 2020-8-21 20:24:18 啲碼少到咁

Kana_momonogi 2020-8-21 20:45:00 成個月你唔買
大家攬炒 2020-8-21 21:32:14 請問各位師兄知唔知邊度仲有白色ub1.0賣?
黃色老司機 2020-8-21 23:45:32 馬拉松大把
有心睡眠 2020-8-22 01:37:53

Kana_momonogi 2020-8-22 01:48:31 咪鞋一對
旁觀者Ching 2020-8-22 02:29:34 同問


讓我於荒野馳騁 2020-8-22 07:55:22 外國網都好似見唔到有raffle?
熊本熊 2020-8-22 21:47:53 上幾個月賣得差 依排好小再入成人
純天然水 2020-8-23 11:56:22 想問下有無巴打買左 HARDEN STEPBACK鞋
想當正常出街鞋著 個鞋底會唔會太硬
馬雲(被人查緊) 2020-8-25 21:49:46 香港有無Superearth嫁
黃子韜 2020-8-26 17:36:50 點解對yeezy700 v3冇得揀地點買嘅?
慘過番埋土 2020-8-28 20:27:49 請問yeezy 700 v3 洗唔洗預大半碼?
真的好想你 2020-8-28 20:30:44 派彩未
你唔好煩啦 2020-8-28 20:48:55 4點派左了
真的好想你 2020-8-28 20:49:17
prokofiev 2020-8-28 20:53:50 The tank tops in Adidas come in six sizes: extra small, small, medium, large, extra large and extra extra large. Its pants 👖come in many sizes. These navy blue pants are the wrong size. They aren't my size, neither are they my cousin's size. Do you have them in size thirty one? This pair of pants is a size thirty eight. I take size thirty one in pants whereas my cousin is a size thirty five. However, I would like yo try a size thirty one pair of pants and a size thirty three pair on for size. If both pairs aren't my size, can they be cut to size? If not, I'll need to get them cut to size somewhere else. What is your size pants 👖? What size shoes does your cousin's take? What size swim briefs or speedo is your cousin's husband? I wanns try this leather jacket in a larger size. Do you have it in a bigger size because I think it's one size or two sizes too small? I need a bigger size. My brother has tried it on and it's the right size. This branch doesn't have the pink shirt in my size so I'll have to visit another branch. My friend Susannah generally takes size six in skirts and small size in blouses 👚. She is a size eighr in shoes, including high heels 👠, flats and sneakers 👟while I generally wear a size nine. A notice in the shop says "If you spend over five hundred dollars 💵in a singke transaction, you get a pocket-size mirror as a free gift." I'm gonna make Susannah a gift 🎁of a pair of mom jeans 👖, a swimsuit 🩱, a tankini and a leather coat along with the pocket-sized mirror.


吾乃常山趙子龍 2020-8-29 01:14:50
prokofiev 2020-8-30 20:44:20 I certainly recommend the book "Adidas Fashion" to you. Feel free to read at your convenience. It's a wonderful book 📖written by Margaret Bernstein, Leonard Lipa, Dua Gordon-Levitt, Joseph Gomez, Selena da Vinci, Leonardo Skovbye, Tiera DiCaprio, Avril Ferguson, Margot Lavigne, Celine Robbie, Zooey Dion, Chole Deschanel and Susannah Grace Moretz.
望乜能 2020-9-4 06:45:19 借個位宣傳一下YouTube channel



BTW 下條想搵 Dior Jordan 拍
股民一個 2020-9-4 20:42:34 zyon 而家咩價位