此處不留萌 2020-4-5 23:59:35 加埋首咁嘅歌真係有d催淚

深名線我睇google map覺得始終沿線太少人,平時拍蚊都好合理


S_Roberto 2020-4-6 01:33:11

N700S 2020-4-6 01:48:10 其實札沼線新十津川段除咗就死之外都唔覺有咩特別
.賀喜遥香. 2020-4-6 02:30:40 會唔會又俾人炎上話佢嘥口罩

アクセス特急上野 2020-4-6 07:53:31 個站咁多人出入,可能有幾個無病徵

我他媽相信你 2020-4-6 08:46:27

Sagano 2020-4-6 11:17:28 最後一班變成快速
Sagano 2020-4-6 11:21:01 估下出邊五部車
此處不留萌 2020-4-6 11:42:06 照時刻表睇,9428D同9430D根本一快一慢前後腳孖住行
Sagano 2020-4-6 11:43:42 最後一日得快速.冇9428D
佐天ルイコ 2020-4-6 11:45:35 雖然搭搭一個站特急係幾迷惑下


此處不留萌 2020-4-6 11:46:01 sor冇睇佢行remark
Sagano 2020-4-6 11:47:38 我都以為係.但沿途冇位放車加班
佐天ルイコ 2020-4-6 11:49:15 隔離就係瀧川 真係無乜意義
此處不留萌 2020-4-6 11:53:42 新十津川仲要有巴士去瀧川,三個字就到

新快速 2020-4-6 12:10:38 唔通真係靠佢一日一班車咩
飛膠鑊 2020-4-6 13:25:53 四季島要跟旅行package買,點同
劇場渋滞中 2020-4-6 14:45:59 我覺得札沼線幾特色喎,一條線包含有札幌都市圈雙線電化又有地大人稀既農業地帶更有赤字83線既廢線段落;而且很方便,坐個鐘車便到
S_Roberto 2020-4-6 14:51:26 117銀河都延期
劇場渋滞中 2020-4-6 14:53:42 幸運係佢90年代先廢線先可以留低咁多片同相;80年或更早廢線就少好多;四大長線得天北線/名寄本線叫多啲,池北線/標津線呢啲就得好少影片紀錄落嚟,地方/礦山小線更少
此處不留萌 2020-4-6 14:56:13 天北/名寄果d搵到最多係路程景N倍速版



北啲文 2020-4-6 15:25:12 池北線明明2006年先廢止,雖然轉左third sector
日本膠流生 2020-4-6 20:25:48 政府叫鐵道公司早收車
prokofiev 2020-4-6 21:29:12 I certainly recommend climbing Mount Fuji which is a little off the beaten track, even if you aren't staying in Tokyo because the extra cost of traveling there is offset by s discount on the admission. Climbing it is an arduous task but the view is worth it. In fact, my friend who's just been there showed me his photos taken there by which I was awestruck. He said it was well worth it for the view from the top and the confidence that he had gained afterwards. Even though one of the nearby lakes dries up, the remaining lakes reflect the beauty of the stars and Mount Fuji, giving a double view of the starry sky and the mountains. The outline of Mount Fuji is sharply defined against the starry nights by which you'll be awestruck. You can even pitch a tent and camp there to get the best of the night sky. Sometimes it's nice to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Again, the cheap admission charge offsets the rising transportation fee so it's definitely worth a visit.
Charles_827 2020-4-6 21:54:22
