[IONE] IZ*ONE曹柔理以外成員討論區(3) -宮脇咲良生日快樂-
Smurfs 2020-4-12 01:34:37 Twitter


GACKET 2020-4-12 01:50:55 成團得一個有合照
STANE 2020-4-12 01:54:53 咩呀 佢唔係wekimeki架喎
GACKET 2020-4-12 01:57:16 sor, 其他人唔太熟
孫彩瑛 2020-4-12 02:00:05 牙正都唔識
STANE 2020-4-12 02:23:41 nako偶像
金珉周(已畢業) 2020-4-12 02:47:29 正叔呢排啲自拍正能到
金珉周(已畢業) 2020-4-12 02:48:50 平唔平均唔係問題 你俾個鏡頭都好
力高也高力高 2020-4-12 03:46:07 知唔知呢隻幾時寄嚟
之前join咗jp fc
矢吹內(奈)子 2020-4-12 04:08:11 去聽下佢啲歌,好很正
權恩妃恩丁 2020-4-12 04:53:25 我記得上次hii好似一句都冇


Hitomi1006 2020-4-12 05:06:58 之前係影一兩秒,之後去第二個,無咩點唱過
STANE 2020-4-12 05:39:36 之前佢話寫左首歌想比izone或者loona
安宥真惠元 2020-4-12 08:30:39 上次真係一句都無咁濟 個人鏡頭又無
磪有情 2020-4-12 09:08:44 唔知以為係izone成員黎
Smurfs 2020-4-12 12:54:36 今次有part
權恩妃恩丁 2020-4-12 13:53:47 係一句都冇
東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-4-12 16:27:22





東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-4-12 16:30:05



Smurfs 2020-4-12 18:33:53 舊既指甲
我櫻世界第一 2020-4-12 18:34:31 佢話陸續寄,今個月之內掛


金珉周(已畢業) 2020-4-12 18:37:54 而家咁嘅情況 寄海外要等都要等幾耐呀
矢吹內(奈)子 2020-4-12 18:48:58 照反油風氣,應該要話 好啊,換走個主唱
東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-4-12 19:05:38




Smurfs 2020-4-12 19:19:26 Sejeong talked about her friendship with IZONE : "The thing is, I had people who I wanted to be friends with. for example, IZONE. Since we released album in the same time, we got to meet each other. I wanted to be friend with them so I asked their numbers and messaged them.

"But, whenever I saw them it got so awkward. Idk what to say to them. But if I got their numbers and messaged them after we got close, I think we could've been better friends. We talked about couple things and then there's nothing to talk about anymore"

"From that moment, I was like Should I ignore it... or should I answer it.... or should I just send some emojis? It's like an endless thought"
