[IONE] IZ*ONE曹柔理以外成員討論區(3) -宮脇咲良生日快樂-
東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-4-6 22:01:05


殺手 2020-4-6 22:33:06 光北又做左女團攝影師
東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-4-6 23:44:12

東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-4-6 23:49:26

悲劇之王 2020-4-7 00:01:50

Banana Culture 練習室?
東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-4-7 00:07:09 係 唔知點解去左果度跳
隨遇而安 2020-4-7 00:18:01
登高入地恩為我 2020-4-7 00:22:14 之前傳exid 走晒,香蕉唔再做,我估有兩個可能:
一、cj 買咗香蕉。
二、香蕉唔用個練習室,租咗畀otr 。
登高入地恩為我 2020-4-7 00:25:29 日韓兩邊大家姐應該好多野一齊商量。
504gateway 2020-4-7 01:07:30 香蕉仲有隊男團架喎
殺手 2020-4-7 02:43:01

眼神制敵 (發現被偷望)


Smurfs 2020-4-7 09:50:43

2020 fancam view數

華可可 2020-4-7 10:52:44 其實娜榮班女仔仲有冇係banana
Smurfs 2020-4-7 11:28:18 Ig 有 yena
登高入地恩為我 2020-4-7 11:33:23 上年二月出道,之後無再出歌,算唔算仲有?
東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-4-7 11:38:39




登高入地恩為我 2020-4-7 11:39:10 係咪全部女仔都留低就唔知。
// Later that day, CEO Yoo Jae Woong told outlet Xportsnews that this report is untrue.

He stated, “I just saw the report that says that the agency is shutting down. This is a false report. Currently, TREI and female trainees remain at the agency.”

In 2016, Banana Culture was invested in by the Chinese media group Banana Project. Yoo Jae Woong went on to say, “There are Chinese shares in Banana Culture as well so we’re not in a position where we could shut down the agency of our own volition. There are currently other talks underway about an investment from somewhere else. Our entertainment operations will continue.” //
東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-4-7 11:52:48




金珉周世界第一 2020-4-7 13:20:30
金珉周世界第一 2020-4-7 13:22:55
矢吹內(奈)子 2020-4-7 14:19:48 真:我仲想要


Smurfs 2020-4-7 14:20:15 權隊
金珉周(已畢業) 2020-4-7 14:22:27 韓飯估係swing收購咗
金珉周(已畢業) 2020-4-7 14:23:22
矢吹內(奈)子 2020-4-7 14:41:28 邊個夠膽色我內,OMDB